Biden Announces Re-election Bid

Judging by the way the dems have pushed their convention so close the election that Biden may miss getting on the ballot in Ohio, I predict the dems will fake something and replace Biden as the candidate.

If so, Dems voters won’t have a say in picking their candidate. So, another stolen election.

Not one dems will complain as usual!

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They might as well pick deniro. They just had the audacity to play this fictional ad in my market. I thought it was a joke until the Approved by Biden at the end.

Biden is the one that has…“lost it.”

They are complete lies. Not questionable or debunked. Paul Ryan must have edited that part.

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Here is Deniro on the view explaining himself…sort of.

They talk about Trump being vicious to Rosie while comparing him to Hitler with ZERO justification.

:rofl: :clown_face:

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these are the kinds of mentalities in charge too

just think of what they would or wouldn’t do to keep trump away


You got to worry about a guy thinking it’s a good idea to reproduce at 80.

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Not even that. I could see the I’m rich and will pay and have a legacy to leave. Definitely an ego stroke.

To go on a national TV show and pretend that this is normal is what bothers me. He was acting like a new 30 year old with a baby. Odd. Life is about to smack him hard.


DeNiro is just another loud mouth Hollywood celebrity.

Thinks himself special just because he’s a celebrity. :roll_eyes:

You are too kind. IMO Deniro is making a personal feud with Trump and Trump doesn’t have the time to engage in his childishness selfish public berating rants.

To lie so much is not a welcoming message to voters. If they can lie that much then what will they do or say about the rest of us.


DeNiro likes to play tough guy and makes threats toward Trump (similar to Biden saying he would like to take him behind the gym :roll_eyes:) at times.

He doesn’t realize that playing a tough guy in movies sometimes doesn’t make him a tough guy in real life.

Reminds me of actors that play a certain role in a movie and then testify before Congress. :roll_eyes:

I remember one such example in particular where Jessica Lange (i think) played a farmer fighting bankruptcy in a movie and then testifying about the plight of farmers before Congress. :rofl:


Deniro should be kissing the ground and thanking God for the good health he has instead of venting bile in public.

That good health has an expiration date. A little humility goes a long way.

Not having a big movie role in a decade would be a start to some self awareness.




he’s a narcissistic ass full of hate and rage

the same kind of mental cases are in charge. it’s horrifying


The last hit movie he did was Little Fockers in 2010. Since then he has been coasting on his reputation.

Easy to see him being jealous of Trump success.

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Not to mention that’s his 5th one. Destroying the planet.




Killers of the Flower Moon - 2023.

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Amazing how many people like Deniro Trump fends off in public.

He can be petty. Trump is most definitely very busy above all else.

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Never heard of it.

Good movie, dude. Based on a true story, great cast, won lots of awards. Directed by Scorsese.

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I can’t stomach watching anything by these kooks anymore, but that’s a sacrifice I guess they want to make.