Biden Announces Re-election Bid


Their website, SSA for example and all others takes you to if you click the are you registered to vote boxes.

Quit pretending it’s only a poster. It’s an entire campaign that encompasses social media etc.

One of the tenants mentioned in the EO was the government is tasked with fighting misinformation. Yall big on that one. We see how this admin plays that card.


Well it does say a lot when the President is only putting up the posters in districts where democrats live.


Is there on the SSA website a exclamation that the GOP wants to take Social Security away or is it simply a link to get people to register to vote?

If it was the former I would agree with you.

If it is the latter it is a stupid complaint.

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Democrats live in every district.

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They’re afraid Brandon can’t get the turnout. He doesn’t excite the demographics they need.

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Wonder how many of those posters are put up in heavily Republican small town locations as compared to places like the most Democrat dominated area of DC.


When one wonders… anything is possible.

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If government tax money is spent, one shouldn’t have to wonder. Nonpartisanship should be documented.

Well then go for it.

No need to wonder.

The horror…

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I’m not complaining, I’m pointing out your statement that’s its a poster only is asinine. It encompasses more than that. I’m not the one trying to downplay the actual situation for whatever reason, that would be “it’s just a poster”.

If you are going to try and sell it as a wonderful thing, why downplay the game plan?

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Oh, the actual reality, not some ■■■■■■■■ lie about a poster…

Why downplay the actual program?

What is there to… what is the opposite of downplay? Upplay?

Anyway… Since when is trying to get people registered to vote a nefarious action?

Those who see it as nefarious maybe should check their own beliefs.

When is it the job of HUD employees, for example, to assist people in completing voter registration and vote-by-mail ballot application forms?

And which state officials are these agencies going to call in to help provide voter registration services on agency premises? Just the Democrat ones?

It becomes their job when that is spelled out that is part of their job.

When one wonders… anything is possible.

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I am not down playing it, I am whole heartedly supporting it, and mocking you for your concern.

Considering the track record your party and supporters have for over stepping while downplaying, I would 100% trust the the people you are so willing to trust.

Tell me you haven’t read the EO without telling me you haven’t read thr EO

I did actually read it.

This is what I find interesting.

That informing and facilitating people registering to vote is a bad thing for some reason.