Biden Announces Re-election Bid

with the way democrats detest democracy, of course the Biden admin is seeking to eliminate kennedy from ticket, fearing it will make it harder for them pull off their next rigging, or maybe expose it again


Everything Biden touches is ruined.

Three IDF Soldiers Killed by Hamas Rockets at Border Crossing Biden Demanded Israel Open


So PACs are bad now? Attack ads are bad as well?

I am confused because by this same logic Republicans should cease efforts against dem candidates and Biden.

Personally I think US elections would be better of without PACs but what dems are doing is just electioneering which both sides do.

What about Trump attacking RFK last week?

it’s cowardly because biden cant face an election on ideas, record or in a debate because he’s inept. he has to rely solely on donors, democrat groups etc

democrat = coward




$1.3 billion to 668 grantees to build affordable housing — The HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) […] In 2023 the program helped create over 13,000 units of housing and more than 13,000 households were assisted with tenant based rental assistance through the HOME program.

$214 million to every state to increase affordable housing supply – The Housing Trust Fund (HTF […] HTF is a formula-based program for States and U.S. Territories. By law, each state is allocated a minimum of $3 million. In 2023, the program helped create more than 1,681 units of affordable rental housing for extremely low-income households.

$3.3 billion to 1,254 grantees to build stronger communities — The Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) […] In 2023 the program helped over 62,000 families through housing activities, 25,500 individuals through job creation or retention, 52,000 people experiencing homelessness through improvements to homelessness facilities

$290 million to 357 grantees to address homelessness — Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) […] Annually, ESG connects over 350,000 people to emergency shelter as they transition to permanent housing.

Nice policy.

Cause a problem and then take credit for throwing our money at it?


Its only money.

Is it too late to nominate Nikki Haley?

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While it isn’t between the two old guys… this may be a look that MAGA just isn’t as energized as they once were.

Sounds like a race that would resonate on a national scale:

“More than 3,000 people signed a petition to recall Ebel over her vote supporting the removal of Ottawa County’s Health Officer Adeline Hambley.”

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So Joe Potato Head has been using Federal agencies like HUD, USDA, Department of Interior and more to register Dimbulbcrat voters.
How cool? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
“Here’s your food stamps, now register to vote for Democrats”


I love that we live in a world where putting up a poster to encourage people to register to vote is a grand conspiracy.

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Then you’re fine with bribing new voting registrations using their welfare benefits as the reward for voting for a particular party?
Got it.

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How is it a bribe to get people to register to vote?

I mean seriously… When a poster is put up in the Social Security Office reminding people to register to vote… how is that benefiting one candidate over another?

When the very act of getting voter registration and participation up is seen as a threat… what does that say about the party that opposes it?


Interesting you mention the SS poster. You neglected to include OBiden’s continuous drone to older Americans of how the “ Republicans are going to dismantle that safety net” and DHHS subsidies can be obtained by voting for Democrats.
It’s ok your cherry picking is always expected.

Does the poster say “Register to vote because the GOP are going to take away your Social Security” or does it say " Register to vote"?

If it is the former then I could see the problem.

If it is the latter… then it is a very silly complaint.

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Yup. Yer boi. Just not on a poster.


Are the posters going to have the information on it that the GOP wants to cut Social Security or are they simply encouraging people to register to vote?

If the former thing then we can find agreement.

If it is the latter… then it sounds like a bunch of noise