Biden Announces Re-election Bid

Back to the thread title. Crime is down in Venezuela!
Thanks Joe :rofl:
What a maroon.

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my goodness. why did this creep back into the news?

crazy right wing yahoo news tap dances all around it

“While there is strong evidence the diary exists, the authenticity of the content of these and other “leaked” pages published online has not been confirmed. “

Between the two parties, there’s no contest for labor concerns. Hopefully, votes reflect that.

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…and now…since it works against them…the left does NOT believe a woman?

eenie, meenie, mynie moe

does it perpetuate

our agenda

yes or no?

If it doesn’t, let it go…

eenie, meenie, mynie, moe :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Ol folksy Joe and the strange case of the uncle eaten by cannibals?

Here’s yer boi suckers.

■■■■ JB


I saw that. His ■■■■■■■■ is getting weirder every day and the silence from his supporters is deafening.

But then again, defending that train wreck is damn near impossible, but Lord love 'em they try.

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I disagree with this, but I’m in the minority. It’s a smart re-election policy.

Tariffs are good or bad depending who is in office not who is targeted.

The dems opposed Trumps tariffs which was weird but what was also weird were anti tarrifs politicians jumping up and down to support President Trump’s Tariffs. Weird!

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Stealing Trump policy and making it his own.

I think he is just blowing or mumbling smoke to the stupid voters and has NO intention of imposing any tariff.

Trump followed through. Biden won’t.

It’s a vote buying scheme.

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This post reeks of history starting in January of 2017. This forum discussed Obama’s tarrifs at length… Some of which VP Biden was in charge of…

It’s amazing how much you ascribe to President Trump


But tariff wars are bad. Tripling any tariff risks setting one off.

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Joe Potato Head is the foreign policy expert.


“Stealing” Trump policy. I bet you think Trump invented tariffs, huh?

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He created the universe and eventually walked on water too. :wink:

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Nobody has ever heard of Gettysburg. Wow. Don’t fight uphill, me boys. So vicious. So beautiful.