Biden: 97% vaccination rate needed to return to normal

So how will they know who is or isn’t vaccinated? I thought they were not keeping records of it. :lying_face:

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You are punished if you don’t produce proof of vaccination.

And I thought Democrats loved undocumented workers?


Far better messaging than the old imbeciles “take the shot morons or I’ll force you, you’re pissing us off” style of “leadership”.


With the unvaccinated dying off the way they are we’ll get there. I’m good with that.

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Hey, if the unvaxxed have a legit medical reason then I hope to God they are taking all precautions to prevent getting COVID-19. But for those staying unvaxxed for no other reason than “muh freedumb!” I say lotsa luck to ya!

Live free and die?

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Y’all keep talking about how great it is the unvaxxed are dying off and how happy you are about it.

Says so much.


That’s what was initially said I had always heard the numbers between 60-70%. Then Fauci said 90% once now this 97%, why stop at 97% just say for herd immunity everyone has to be vaccinated.


Herd immunity is not a fixed number. It varies from virus to virus depending on how easily it can be spread. 60% is toward the lower end of the spectrum. For most viruses it’s in the 70-80% range. For highly communicable viruses like measles, it’s 95%. However, the Covid causing Corona virus, even the more easily spread Delta variant, is nowhere near as communicable as measles. Biden is pulling that 97% out of his ass.


That should be every American’s goal.

What the what now?

I agree.

As many people as possible should get themselves vaccinated.

The 97% number is completely made up.

Anything over 75 percent is pushing too hard.

“I spoke to my doctor and experts”
YOUR doctor should be the only person that advises you about your health options. J’Biden and his inept band of fable peddlers are promoting the idea the goobermint knows what’s best for you. You know, the whole socialism thing they love so much.
Why McConnell feels the need to make political hay out of his stick is fascinating but then again, he’s a politician.

Healthcare workers in NY as of today have been fired for not taking the nick prompting the unelected goobernor to mobilize NG trained doctors and nurses and retirees to fill the voids. WAIT! Where do these medical personnel work now??
In Massachusetts, state police that are mandated to vax are turning in their badges and taking early retirement!
J’Biden and his likeminded power mad imbeciles really didn’t think this through.

The “scientific” basis for Fauci raising his estimate of percent of immune required for herd immunity from 70, 75%:

“Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought I can nudge this up a bit so I went to 80, 85%.”

In fairness, it’s always simply been people they don’t agree with. :wink:


Just a note for the Permanent Record.

Live free, then die.