Behold the power of The Hogg!

You wallow in the sewer and swim in the cesspool by choice, no one is forcing you to do it. If you could make a cogent, intelligent argument you would not have to resort to such language.

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We can’t even link to most of Hogg’s comments about gun owners, Rubio, Scott, or the NRA here without risking a ban for linking to such vulgar language.

That says a lot about him.

Sorry not in jersey.


It’s nationwide. In spite of the hard work of the anti gun left people under 30 are no more likely to support gun restrictions than their parents and grand parents.

Nationwide? Lol

Our governor (Phil Murphy) campaigned on stricter guns control laws and won in landslide.

You neck of the woods. Perhaps

My neck. No way.


I don’t really care what your governor ran on.

But you said it was nationwide. Not New Jersey.

Sorry we in the garden state want stricter gun control not less.

I know it doesn’t fit your narrative but facts are facts.

But don’t let the facts get in the way of you nra propaganda.

Doesn’t fly in jersey.


It is nationwide. Jersey hasn’t ever been pro gun/2nd Amendment at least in the last hundred years.

The 2nd Amendment however is the law of the land, not whatever someone wants in Jersey.

Is not jersey part of the nation?

Goodie I don’t have to pay income pax this year.

The answer is Jersey is part of the nation.

Ipso facto, it is not nationwide, just part of this great nation of ours.

This part of the nation wants stricter gun controls that are constitutional.


You can live in whatever delusion you choose, but the polling is nationwide just as the 2nd Amendment is the law of the land for the entire nation.

SCOTUS tells us what the law of the land is, not any of the amendments.


So he isn’t included in “our”?

You don’t seem to get that most just don’t give a crap about Jersey. :roll_eyes:

Amazing. No concept of government. You sound like South Caroline in 1858.

That’s fine. I don’t give a crap about where they live.

It’s mutual. But don’t give me this nationwide crap. It’s not.


Oh l have very good handle on civics 101.

Congress and states make laws

Presidents and governors sign off on it (or get their vetos overridden)

SCOTUS makes sure those laws conform to the United States constitution and its amendments.

It a pretty good system.

If you don’t like it, what is your solution?



The solution?

Simple: “ … the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” even in New Jersey.

That’s not a solution.

That’s the way you want it. And SCOTUS. Disagrees.

So what is your solution besides the simplistic and undoable solution you are offering. We need regulations on rights, everyone from sneaky to wild rose knows that.


There is only one necessary regulation on rights, “My rights end where yours begin”.

If the exercise of my rights is not harming you it’s none of your damned business how many guns I own, what type they are, or what I am doing with them.

Machine guns? Hand grenades. Are you saying that a state doesn’t have the right to stop you from having arms that are available.


Regulations are needed.

Even Texas regulates them.
