Dissent is not allowed. Attacking their newest useful idiot is not allowed. Wait for the cries of “How dare you!! He’s just a child!!” that will inevitably show up here.
He gave up that shield of protection the moment he decided to make himself a public figure, leader of a movement to strip us of our 2nd Amendment Rights, and started lying about the NRA, it’s Members and Supporters calling us murderers and child killers.
You don’t attack my rights publicly and get a free pass because of your age, gender, or anything else.
The Hogg saga has been interesting to observe. He started out as a well spoken young man who evolved into a foul mouthed, egotistical punk that is the perfect spokesperson for the left. Yep…the midterms are coming so…keep it up.
On the one hand, we have kids who survived a school shooting in which their friends died and have tried to channel that pain into needed social change on the subject of gun violence.
On the other, we have cro mag conservative politicians who think that mocking said kids is either wise or in good taste.