Behold the power of The Hogg!

Tr reading Florida’s trespassing statute and get back with me.

Exactly. And I’m quite sure the customers who had their shopping disrupted did not appreciate it at all.

They aren’t placing the blame where it belongs… on the shooter, on the sheriff’s office and FBI for not taking the complaints seriously.

But most of all, the shooter is 100% responsible for his own actions.

This protest is beyond stupid.

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Btw, I’m not in favor of the “die in”. Seems counter productive.

Like Simon Sinek, I hold the collective “us” that raised this generation mostly responsible for kids not knowing how to constructively advocate for things they want.

We collectively raised a generation by:

a) Constantly telling them they were special
b) Constantly telling them they could have anything they wanted, just because they wanted it
c) Getting them things they didn’t earn just by complaining to the right people, and/or giving them trophies just for showing up.

Now they are thrown into the world and find out they’re not special, no one gives them a trophy for finishing last, they can’t get things just because they want them, and they aren’t going to be given things just because they scream and yell.


A rare moment of complete agreement and applause for an excellent post.

But he’s already had an impact on Publix, so disagree.

Did the Civil Rights activists have a right to disrupt business as usual during the 50s and 60s? It’s the same thing.

Except he got what he wanted.

No, you have no such right on private property. If you are asked to leave and refuse they can have you drug out in handcuffs and thrown in jail for trespassing.

This is not “the same thing” this isn’t a fight for civil rights, it is a fight to deny us one of our most basic and fundamental rights of all.

No he didn’t. He didn’t get his blackmail million and now Publix will not donate to any political campaigns for either republicans or democrats.

No it is not remotely the same thing. If Hogg and his left wing extremist buddies had their way, guns would be confiscated from law abiding people. He obviously had no respect for the constitutional right of Publix to support any candidate they wanted to support. It just happens to be someone Hogg despises because he’s a Republican.

Not only that, but civil rights protests were about businesses denying them service due to the color of their skin.

No, these two things don’t remotely compare.

We’ll see about that.

Short term maybe. Probably not long term. I don’t think anyone except other left wing extremists agree with this thuggish behavior.

But now that he’s succeeded once, he will most likely do it again. And maybe soon some right wingers will start staging protests at businesses that donate to Democrats and/or PP.

[quote=“Joanne, post:966, topic:505, full:true”] If Hogg and his left wing extremist buddies had their way, guns would be confiscated from law abiding people.

Hogg has said he is in favor of some gun legislation, not grabbing everyone’s guns.

Hogg is such a hypocrite, frequently saying we should work together to find solutions, yet also using inflammatory rhetoric to describe law abiding gun owners and anyone who has an R after his/her name.

And the only solutions he will accept are ones that completely cave to his demands. Wouldn’t even give credit when Congress passed the bipartisan Stop School Violence Act.

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I don’t believe him. He calls the NRA “child murderers”. This is a privately owned organization that does not receive a dime of taxpayer money, unlike PP.

And he has a freak out because a privately owned business chose to donate to an NRA endorsed R candidate.

What do you think his demand for a ban on “assault weapons” entails when he specifically calls them weapons of war that civilians should never be allowed to own?

It’s known as civil disobiedence.

Protests no to the extreme.

Defying law enforcements lawful orders.


Assault firearms here in jersey.


And? He’s proposing a Federal Assault Weapons Ban.