Because we are morally superior

That is the truth. Republicans have lost all authority to discuss morality (personal or political) when they hopped gleefully into bed with Donald.

“But Obama!” doesn’t change that truth.

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He wasn’t saying it with a straight face.

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Of course we have that right. All people and nations have a right to self defense. If I don’t cut my lawn often enough or keep my trim painted that doesn’t mean I forfeit the right to object to my psychopathic neighbor buying a tank.

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sorry I was in the middle of something,

my point is that we are as bad as any other country, we even spy on our own.

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careful, you sound like you want to build that wall and stop the caravan. YOU RACIST

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Democracy and the peaceful transfer of power for starters. Adherence to international law, due process, this list is going to get pretty long given it’s a comparison or America to Iran and North Korea. It’s pretty silly to even pretend they somehow inhabit the same moral plane we do. And no that doesn’t mean we are perfect, just far less imperfect then they are.

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you are unhinged, get a grip, the dems nominated a person that rigged her primary.

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Hillary lost get over it lib!

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I used to not believe the United States was morally superior. Obama was President, and our country was really going down the tubes. However, in 2016 my faith in America was restored when we elected Donald Trump as President. There’s no doubt America is the most moral country in the world.

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Your Joking right?

that is ridiculous, Trump cannot control the doj or the military or intelligence, that is the deep state.

that is know a new peak for mindless banter.

You continue to dodge and deflect away from Donny Deplorable.

I simply recognize it for what it is.

Doesn’t mean I support it. But it is the way of the world.

That was my point. All nations have a right to self defense.

You can’t defend yourself without being armed. That goes as much for nations as it does for individuals.

But international politics is complicated. Bismark’s realpolitik still dominates the minds of world leaders the world over.

Morality takes a back seat to self interest when nations deal with each other. Always has.

China is just giggling at this post

Did you start worrying about the US being a danger to the world before, or after, you voted for the most dangerous US president ever?

He seems to think he can

It is all you deserve.

There is nothing inconsistent with supporting the integrity of some nations’ sovereignty and regarding it as illegitimate in others.