Because we are morally superior

does not mean it is the American way

not always, perhaps that is wrong to think it should be

who is that?

it is all you have,

especially if you are an empire. Not US

Derp, derp.

your best response ever.

You sir, have hit the nail on the head.

9/11 remember

Self defense doesn’t mean you have the right to tell others what weapon’s they can have.

I think you’re confusing a right with power. If I have a right to own guns but tell my neighbor he can’t because I know he hates me, that’s my power over him, not my right. Since I already have guns and am stronger, I get to make the rules. That’s power. I’m not saying this is wrong or that we shouldn’t do this, just recognizing what it is.

Sorry mobulis, I don’t think that was your quote and I don’t know how to fix it.

Hard to follow this conversation.

No, that is using power to exercise your right to survive.

Well then gun control is some of us using power to exercise our right to survive.

You don’t have the power, which is why guns are still legal.

I don’t believe I said otherwise.

How did we “go down the tubes”?

are you changing your stance?

that is a fair assessment, might makes right.