Barr tells Trump to Stop Tweeting About DOJ

Yeah…not as if he’s in an important position in government or anything. Just a guy…a fat, orange guy…

Goodness, Lenin bless your heart, that’s some hateful stuff right there. :rofl:

#3. Excuse making (includes random Whataboutism)

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Remind us all how you felt about that.

Oh my bad, for some reason I thought we were talking about whether or not Presidents should involve themselves with sentencing.

I thought it was wrong. At the very least, A president has more business discussing federal cases than he does state ones.

But you don’t think this is wrong. A president intervening publicly in his good friend’s legal case. Wonder why.

Who said I didn’t think it was wrong? Because it wasn’t me. Trump is a moron for commenting publicly on this case. Happy?

Yeah look how you’re out here condemning it. Lol. I’m kidding. You’re not. Not praising something isn’t condemnation.

I did a search before I wrote to you. What came up were pardons issued at the end of Obama’s term that did not fit your criteria.

This is the unsupported part ^^. According to Barr, he responded to what he considered the over zealous recommendation of his attorneys, not to anything Trump said or did.
Should he throw Stone in jail for extra years, virtually a life sentence, because Trump can’t control his tweeting fingers?
No, Barr can do nothing to salvage his reputation with the hate everything Republican crowd no matter what he does, so there is no need to destroy an old man to try to do that.
And by the way…denying the direct testimony of Barr and replacing it with a totally imagined conspiracy theory from right out of the minds of the NYTs…with no evidence at all…NO.

It is wrong. Barr, as I’m sure you know, has condemned it.

Keep looking.

Because I’m a giver, I’ll give you two:
Theresa Marie Bishop, aka Teresa Clark
Tavia Dion Blume

Those two are enough to prove the point. There were others. Mostly “felon in possession of…”

Yep I do remember and I criticized him for getting involved in the matter.

Just like I criticized the “If I had a son he’d look just like Trayvon” comment and the comments made about Ferguson.

When I said “they never happened” I was specifically referring to an Obama friend on trial and him personally interfering with the DoJ’s prosecution of the case.

BTW I didn’t vote for Obama either time. I voted for McCain and then a write in in 2012.

So you can try “But Obama…” whenever you want…it’ll be funny.

I don’t remember that.

You seem to not remember a lot of things…:sunglasses:

And? There is absolutely no legal difference between commenting on a case when a friend is involved than there are when they aren’t. It’s a non-existent legal standard.

Do I? Strange.

Maybe if you were more clear about things we would remember them.

People have no doubt about my positions, specially about Patriot act and dangers of abuse by our goverment.

Yes even to a point that people get sick of it, broken record syndrome.