Barr tells Trump to Stop Tweeting About DOJ

The standard norm has been for the DoJ to operate independently of the a President in these areas.

Presidents on both sides of the aisle have pretty much scrupulously kept to these norms.

But I get it “not technically illegal” is now an acceptable standard for Trump Conservatives.

I was clear.

The standard line on CEC radio post-9/11 was full-throated support for DHS and the Patriot Act. It was wartime, and we’ve always done extraordinary things in war.


It’s not terrorist act that scares me…it’s what our goverment does that scare more more.

It’s not mass shooter that scares me…it’s what libs would want to do afterwards that scare me more.

See a pattern here?

And in these cases, hardly anyone was immediately released…they still had time to serve…just lesser time.

And the results of that program have been universally positive.

That’s nice.

But I was responding to a poster who doubted what I said.

Not every conversation is about you.

They weren’t even pardons, they were commutations.

That is within the President’s purview and not even close to the situation with Trump and Stone.

Now if he pardons Stone, I’ll still be critical of that but I won’t claim it’s a power Trump doesn’t have.

Well I don’t remember either.

Trump didn’t even commute.

That’s your issue.

I watched/listened to a lot of conservative talk radio back in the day, living in NYC area for as long as I did, where there was a bloc of Rush, Sean, Levin and Savage all in a row.

You’re right. Stone doesn’t have a gun charge.

Oh and


That’s exactly what he’s trying to do. He’ll be gone within a few days and be giving anti-Trump interviews.

No goalposts have been moved.

Commutations and pardons are a President’s purview.

I’ll believe what Barr says to self exonerate when you tell me you believe Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch’s account of their tarmac meeting.


So are tweets. You didn’t follow the conversation very well.

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You are trying to waste my time. If you can’t back up your assertions, the conclusion to draw is obvious.

I gave you two names. Admit you were wrong and go ahead and move along.

I have no idea what Lynch and Clinton said, except that private personal meetings between the investigator and investigated are no more of a good idea than the President tweeting about an ongoing case.
Go with the conspiracy theory without evidence instead of the testimony, then. Both are equally possible except for, you know, one has evidence and the other has none.

No deal then. I suppose you believe in your conspiracy theories.
