Barr closes 7 Investigations

You obviously have no ideer whats in the report do you?

Except for CNN, WaPo, SFGate, Washington Times, and the source data I provided in my response to the same post you quoted.

Why not just read the judges order posted above?

Why would it matter if we are hell bent on not abiding by it?

Presumed innocence and a bunch of vague charges based on paid dossiers of dirt suspiciously presented to the FISA court.

Phase II will be much different.


The judges order is linked aboveā€¦ Is another source other than a federal judges order necessary?

Really? Post those links then please.

I was speaking of another media source that lists those 7 investigations.

In other news anonymous sources reported that Barr left his job at the end of the day yesterday to return home.

It remains unclear if he will return today.

More to this story as we check his office later.



Why are you being so lazy? You can also look at the link I provided earlier.

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Do those list the 7 investigations Barr closed??

Try reading the OP again.

Iā€™m also not giving Raw Story the clicks.

Maybe you could list them.

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Works for meā€¦

Maybe if we bribe you with something?

That seems to be the leftā€™s route these days.

Bribe who? Huh

There were 3 monkeys. See no Evil. Hear No Evil. Speak No Evil.

Interesting that only Raw Story and Axios (referring to Raw Story) are reporting this. Details are scant at best. Will wait for one of the major news organizations to pick it up with more details.

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Iā€™m simply asking to list the 7 investigations as I do not want to visit the sketchy OP link.

Why is this so hard for you guys?

Itā€™s a simple request.

As always during election season the libs throw out the ā€œfreeā€ to entice idiots to vote for them.

Free - reparations

Free- Healthcare

Free - college education

Free - fill in the blank