Barr closes 7 Investigations

OP didn’t list them.

2 & 3 are basic and desirable for a better Nation and any true Patriot would embrace such things.

Would that be the FISA still not declassified?

I provided links to the underlying data from the link to the raw story article
I also provided links to 3 other articles about this topic from WaPo, SFGate, and CNN.

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Of course not. Read the part in the OP followed by the word “Edit:”

If you click on the link to the underlying data I provided you would also notice that the names on the warrants are redacted.

The taps were supposed to go on indefinitely. That’s what’s got their knickers in a twist.

Off course. It’s how they…meaning libs roll. :wink:

Op should read, “Barr thwarts Democrats plans to wiretap Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign.”

Ok…most people like these ideas…

I prefer to follow he Constitution not the liberals “feels”.

The government is not your daddy, quit expecting it to act like one.

Big party when it does.


I don’t use it -I use Opera or Chrome - but I believe it has an ad blocker

Health care and college education are for idiots?

Thinking the govt is to provide those for you for free is certainly an idiotic position.

The role of got is clearly defined regardless how many times it gets ignored.

Ah…the constitution arguement…that’s amusing

Your links are about a release of 700 warrants???

You need a better collection of responses.

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After reviewing the posts in this thread, hear is what I’ve found.

The OP points to a raw story teaser about an alleged 7 closed investigations. No other news outlet has jumped on that.

There is a release of 700 warrants that I’m guessing is supposed to elaborate on those alleged closed investigations.

LIBs in this thread are playing coy, requiring doubters to read the released documents.

And as time passes, still no major news outlet has picked up on the raw story teaser.

So I’m kind of guessing there really is nothing to see after all.

If and when a major news outlet picks this up and provides more detail, then I will come back with my response.

Until then……………………