Bank of America: US economy will soon start losing 175,000 jobs a month

The democrats are deliberately destroying the economy, nearly every policy they have is doing so, & they knew it would ahead of time.

It was only a matter of time before the job cuts began. That’s when the full realization of democrat policy will be understood.

It’s going to be stagflation. Better get ready, the republicans won’t be able to stop it either, they may do things to help, but the fix is in, the trouble the democrats have brought upon us all is beyond the point of no return.

The economic crash is coming, and it’s on purpose. They knew full well what they was doing would hurt us all. They insulated themselves from the consequences, they didn’t care about us.

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Not much they will be able to do legislatively. Not with Biden poised to veto any and everything. Best bet is the investigative route, lots of crime to be uncovered.

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…and I sure hope there’s enough Rs in government outside of the R portion of the corrupted political establishment, to actually implement the route you suggested.

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Getting nervous about over-promising already? Polls haven’t even closed yet, and we’re already tearing down the proactive MAGA brand? Useless GOP is back on day one?


Not their fault Biden has a veto pen.


At least they can throw up roadblocks to further damage Brandon wants to do the country.

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We have to have a complete collapse in order to be “built back better” the globalist/collectivist way.

These people are see-thru. It takes a special kind of idiot to not see what they’re doing - the special kind of idiot that would vote for those snakes. :wink:

–February 25th, 2020


It is going to take years to undo the damage Joe Biden and his voters have done in 22 months…

Much of the mess democrats have made might be unfixable…

That means do what you can to reverse the trend…it doesn’t mean keep feeding the destructive beast.

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:joy:. Years! So many excuses already. The polls aren’t even closed.

You guys have two. And go!


Spoiled little children expect their parents to clean their mess up immediately. :wink:


Years, wow. Excuses are already penciled into the schedule for a hypothetical Republican president.

Conservatives warned you people two years ago that what is happening today would happen. The only surprise is that Biden and the democrats have been an even bigger disaster than we thought.

Given that…given that our now proven predictions about inflation, high gas prices, the border disaster and more…given that during the campaign back in 2020 we were repeatedly greeted with predictable liberal smartest guy in the room dumbass snark…

If you guys had any character at all you’d be apologizing for your votes and then would crawl off to a safe space and chat about your pronouns. I know that won’t happen but seriously…there’s never been a political party that has intentionally done as much damage as the democrat left since January of 2021.

People capable of common sense thought could actually care less about your silly minority point of view. Just get out of the way and let the adults fix your messes Biden voter.


Yes years. It is libs with a childish thought process think things can recover immediately. That is why we will hear from you and others the childish “why haven’t they fixed it yet”

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You warned us in 2009 too. And then in 2018. You are always warning when you are losing power.

Now you have two years to fix it. And go!

Pathetic people…

Really pathetic. Actual adults would probably be saying something like “you’re right, we screwed up. How can we help?”

Anyway I’ve as you know spent more time than I intend to ever here…off to a doctors appointment. The baton is yours Six carry it home!


Strange Trump was able to recover this country from the horrific depression in 2017 after Obama in like a day. The economy was perfect 1/21/17. Sooo. May be they gop can do the same :grin:. I am joking of course.

The comments of a small child…meaningless. Bye bye then.


Maybe better acting like a small child than praying for the end of your political opponents. May be. I don’t know.

Oh my god.

Bare Shelves Biden is over here with the whole global supply chain on his back, sympathizing with the future Republicans. “I know that feel, bro.”