Baby come back, you can blame it all on me

I’m pretty its just the opposite! It was President Trump who offered the 1.8 Daca deal (almost twice as much as Dems wanted) and it was the Dems who turned it down. It was after that rejection by the Dems that the President said no more daca deals.

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Exactly right, the citizens rejected trump, trumpism and all that goes along with it.


It was rejected becuase the deal included chain migration prohibitions.


RINO Ryan certainly did!!

The Dems offered $25B for the wall in exchange to protect the Dreamers. Trump said no.

Your post is wholly without merit. The world’s best negotiator sucks at it. He’s made zero deals.

There are 3,141 counties in the United States. Trump won 3,084 his primary opponent won 57…I don’t think “the people” are rejecting President Trump or his policies at all!

Counties don’t vote. Citizens do. And more American citizens voted against trump than for him.

That is just a stone hard cold fact.



It was a straight wall for citizenship for dreamers deal and the president said no.


When we talk about this country’s “people” we are talking about actual American citizens, not land mass and no matter how you slice it more Americans voted for Hillary than Trump.

Didn’t the last caravan end up where there already is a fence? Seems like we already have a physical barrier in the places it’s needed.

This is detached from reality. Back in february, the senate voted on the Schumer-rounds-Collins amendment that provided $25 billion for border security. The Trump admin threatened to veto it and it only for 54 votes because of pressure put on GOP Senators. Democrats have tried compromising with Trump and it’s futile.


Counties don’t vote. Lol


Counties don’t vote.

There have been several caravans. It’s funny that they always seem to end up at a place with a barrier (hint: because they go to ports of entry).

Please think critically.

Ryan is past caring, but McConnell just disappeared off the face of the earth for more than a week, too.

Niobrara county, Wyoming. Population - Approximately 2, 484.

Los Angeles county, California: Population - Approximately 10.16 million.

My county is not registered to vote.

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Is it voting illegally?

It must be, as are all of these other counties. Maybe the election should have a do over.

Maybe we need a wall to keep out all the illegal counties. An elections do over woud be nice too.