Auntie Esther Maxine Slams Chuck n' Nancy

You can’t call a pig auntie.
He he he he he he he

Surely you are not surprised.

Have no idea why some are called NAZIs image

Auntie Esther Maxine is under the misguided notion, that the majority of Americans actually agree with her far-left ideology.

Sen. Schumer and Rep. Pelosi, know the reality of the situation, leftists need to lie, and hide their true feelings an beliefs, an deceive the voters by making them think they are centrists, in order to get elected and retain power.

■■■■■■■■■ I call ■■■■■■■■ on that.
That was used in Luke Cage for the lady who ran Harlem in the series for years.
So a calling a Black person after a Powerful Black woman is Racists? BULL

Sapphire caricature. Look it up.

Lol. Mama Mabel was a mammy character. Probably your first dip at the stereotype well shouldn’t come from a comic series that embraces blaxploitation caricatures.

That is stupid.
So ANY BLACK woman portrayed as Anger is Racists.
So In Luke Cage - We have lots of Angry Black Women.
In Black Panther we have a couple of Angry Black women.

Sorry its a bit overzealous of what defines Racists material.

You are insane!!!
your calling Luke Cage Series on Netflix Blaxploitation?

Yeah, the blaxploitation vibe is super heavy in that show. He’s basically Shaft with super strength. Not surprising, consider that the comics were directly ripped off of those 70s films.

You Obviously didn’t watch the Luke Cage series on Netflix if your calling it Blaxploitation.
So Black Panther is Blaxploitation as well in your view.
10 Years a Slave is Blaxploitation.
Red Tails is BlaxPloitation

So, one would have to know the Luke Cage reference in order for it NOT to be considered racist? What if I don’t know that reference?

Of course I did. He beats a whole building of dope dealers up set to an entire Wu Tang Clan song. You couldn’t pay me enough to stay away from that.

You know what blaxploitation is, right? The 70s action movies? Shaft, Foxy Brown, The Mack, Super Fly, like that?


That is the POINT

So is Blaxploitation bad?
So Is it racist to call a Woman Foxy?

What’s the point?

You definitely don’t want to compare black folk to blaxploitation stereotypes.

People are implying Racism to terms when no Racism is implied.
I am not Defending the OP but I was unaware how people saw it.
So a person can use a Character to give a Personality trait with out Racism being applied to it.
People See Maxine as a Black Mean Woman.

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Again I call ■■■■■■■■ since MANY MANY Black people loved Black Panther and Luke Cage for its Positive influence.
SO I call ■■■■■■■■ on your statement.

Fine. Go into your workplace. Call a black woman “foxy.” Wait for results. Make sure to say that it’s from a movie that MANY MANY Black people loved.