Attention MAGA - This is Big Picture What Your Mancrush Is Actually Doing

No i am not completely missing the point. I don’t understand why there is such a strong need to differentiate.

Blame the lot on life on everyone who is not you

The forgotten man is blame, it’s misery it’s rhetoric.

That the left allegedly purposefully makes people miserable based on dogma doesn’t take away that maga tells people they are misera me

I do not deny it but We are not discussing capitalism and socialism.

We are not discussing the economic model behind maga.

We are discussing ether maga purposefully immiserates in order to make itself the solution. No actual solutions mind just mindless rhetoric about how everything is everyone else fault.

If you cannot see that as the undercurrent of maga then like i said we will never agree

Great again. Who made it not great? Other people

The funny part is that you don’t even see it

You see it as some patriotic cause. :joy:

Housing? What do you mean by housing

You had all things in 2004 and then between 2012 and 2017.

Thank you for understanding my point. Exactly what i have been trying to say

Your question is perfect. Who!?!?!

interest rates effecting housing cost/prices.

I noticed you skipped over fuel, food cost etc.

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So it’s perfectly acceptable to blame Biden for high fuel cost, food cost and home cost?

Can we blame Biden for border fiasco? Corruption of justice and censorship?

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I said nothing of the sort. I said it was their duty and responsibility. They had prior warning and the Commander of the NG had placed a contingent in proximity for immediate deployment and was sitting there waiting for the call. The fault for the delay rests firmly with the Capitol Police.

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Just stop. Can does not mean should. The responsible entity for “domestic tranquility” in the District of Columbia and specifically in and around the Capitol is the Capitol Police. They dropped the ball, not Trump.

so trump shouldnt have moved troops to the Capitol on J6?

Bottom line is that he didnt want to.


if the capitol police were negligent in their duty, does that mean trump has too also.


To dishonesty? You betcha

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The need to differentiate is due to the intent.

Oh yes we are, although it has grown beyond that. Critprog wokeism is cultural and economic Marxism.

If you could be bothered to read the source material I have provided you, you would know what you’re supporting.

Who does MAGA immiserate?

that is so wrong on so many levels.


Was San Francisco ever great?

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what you consider critprog wokeism.

is merely the changing of the guard from boomerism to gen zism.

out with the old and that type of thinking in with the new.

desantis cant stop it, no one can.

time marches on.


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I wonder what it’s like to go through life that clueless.

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