Attention MAGA - This is Big Picture What Your Mancrush Is Actually Doing




No and you know it. The dishonesty reeks.

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What are the MAGA grievances against whom?

When you start with assuming the goal the conclusions are easy

The good intentions of better environmental impact hoax or not

Foreign wars is a funny one. Totally a crit prog thing unless of course they are necessary because hindsight told us it was.

Critprogs. They are the ones making your lives miserable. Elect us and we will make it leas miserable by making America great again because all the critprogs want to do is make you miserable

Rinse repeat


I’m not assuming, the goals are very clearly stated.

What are the “good intentions”?

Ukraine is not.

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You don’t get to ignore the dogma.

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They really are not. They are stated by those whom you have chosen as the founders. It pure assumption though not without merit.

Neither is Saudi Arabia alas.

And you don’t get to ignore that the entirety of maga rhetoric is based on blaming others.

I didn’t choose anybody. Why do you refuse to read the dogma that is so clearly being followed?

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Absolutely correct. What is to be done?

You’re completely missing the point, is it intentional?

Blaming what on whom?


Capitalism creates opportunities to build a better life. Socialism does not.

Do you deny it?


Who told you that?

A very lazy way to rationalize.

And this is your response… “Nuh uh” :rofl:

But when you’re being prey upon to line the pockets of rich left-wing elites…how is that a good thing?


How is lower fuel prices, lower food prices, housing etc and made in America a bad thing?


And when you create problems who do we blame?

Who should be blamed for sky high fuel prices, inflation and food prices?


Damn right it’s intentional…

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and to maintain domestic tranquility the president can order the national guard around the country.
