Attention MAGA - This is Big Picture What Your Mancrush Is Actually Doing

Who does MAGA immiserate?

that is so wrong on so many levels.


Was San Francisco ever great?

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what you consider critprog wokeism.

is merely the changing of the guard from boomerism to gen zism.

out with the old and that type of thinking in with the new.

desantis cant stop it, no one can.

time marches on.


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I wonder what it’s like to go through life that clueless.

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It’s not dishonest. Immiseration is not a unique trait of libs. I gave you several examples, none of which disputed or addressed.

Your immiseration could be my ideal state.

No … The bottom line was, it was not his job to do so. And the troops were already there … waiting for the call from the Capitol Police to come in to save the day.

Negligence takes time to work its way through the chain of command.


Seems like it already is …

No, you didn’t. You too are completely missing the point. What MAGA policies immiserate?

Now that was honest. Please say how.

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I listed a few already.

But really any policy that the left disagrees with could be seen and felt as immiseration.

Pro life policies.

No, you didn’t.

Objectively, not fee fees.

What MAGA policy was designed to immiserate who and how?

Immiseration is a feefee


How do pro-life policies immiserate me?

Don’t cop out.

Objectively, what MAGA policy is designed to immiserate.

They might not… but you aren’t the only person in this country.

Read what you wrote. “Your”