At last we have a president who is brutally honest

If you don’t know then I can’t help you.

That said, it’s a part of why (though the seriousness of the charges alone may matter if a Democrat is doing the accusing) when it’s a powerful Democrat being accused suddenly no charge is really serious enough.

This whole idea of not making a specific claim and then declaring internet victory is buck wild.

He is Justice Thomas - not “Judge Thomas”.

And he didn’t say that, or anything like it.


Or anyone that puts America and Americans first.

Sheople food.

Here’s a link that says the lead company was only started 6 years ago and guess what it is that they specialize in? Can you guess? …wait for it… .Dominion voting machines.

Thank you on the “Justice” correction.

Is this close enough to justify my post?

But much of the pushback against Thomas was focused on another argument of his dissent in which he appeared to cast doubt on the reliability of mail-in ballots more broadly. Thomas pointed specifically to a case of fraud from the 1990s in a state Senate election in Philadelphia. In a footnote, he asserted that “an election free from strong evidence of systemic fraud is not alone sufficient for election confidence.”

Why is a company that specializes in Dominion machines nefarious?

How big is this conspiracy?

You understand that at every step more and more people have to be in on it.


Remember what I said in the other thread about there never being enough?

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The Dominion machines weren’t used in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee and Madison where Biden got lots of votes. And Biden improved over Clinton in Pittsburgh, Milwaukee and Madison.
The most recent audit from Maricopa County proves that there was no flipping of votes or hacking with the Dominion voting machines.

Thomas has become a political hack, that cozies up to extreme RW orgs.

He should be impeached. Not for his horrible opinions, for his lack of ethics.

Evidence shows otherwise.

Youtubers and conspiracy theories appear to be your safe place.

You tend to believe what you already believe. Facts be damned.

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What would cause voting by mail in the USA to be open to such voter fraud where in other jurisdictions it is not?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. You need to wind your neck in there prog. That’s Justice Thomas of the Supreme Court of the United States you’re prattling on about. He’s hardly a hack.

He may have a brilliant legal mind, but he was/is a pervert. Today, he is a RW hack, sucking up to other RW hacks.

If there were such an organisation built to fight voter fraud, it would be easy to prove. Where is/was this organisation Biden built?

Nobody is confusing anything.

Barr said no widespread fraud had been found.

Don’t you believe him?

Yet you believe in widespread fraud happen because…exactly why?

Because trump says so…lol.

Trump also thought his inauguration crowd was bigger than Biden’s, wind turbines cause cancer and that thousands of American Muslims in jersey celebrated 9/11.

Just not true. Any of it.


Each of the cities you chose as examples are historically D so using Dominion voting machines to alter the vote isn’t necessary.

Once again… how big is this conspiracy?

How many people are in on it?

no not because of Barr, but because i have eyes

all those narrative “lies” you just dropped were debunked

and i could care less about crowd sizes

too much yahoo!!!news

“we didnt have the vaccine before we took office”

but hey, no one cares about those lies

just crowd sizes and things from 20 years ago

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It isn’t that he lied that scares me. It’s that he actually believes this crap due to dementia.