Ashley Biden Diary Contents Verified

lol…. “republican”

there’s so much you dont know.

Good question.

What does the evidence point towards? Biden molesting his daughter or Biden not molesting his daughter.

I’ll start with one in the he did it column:

The daughter in question wrote in her diary on a page pondering if she’d repressed molestation “@ a young age, showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate.)


I’m going to stand in opposition to what your question can lead to. We don’t convict people because x-y-z -something does not demonstrate that a person did NOT do something. Legally, that a given. But even in the court of public opinion we shouldn’t do that.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s bad enough and has enough ick factor just knowing that Biden showered with his daughter. Whether she was 12, or 10 or 14 or even just 5. It just shouldn’t be. Trying to push it into something even more than that just gives libs the ammunition to derail attention from the impropriety at the level that the diary actually reveals. That level in and of itself should disgust anyone. ANY ONE.

Let’s not create the emotions of a lynch mob that expands any innuendo into a capital crime.


I’ve probably only ever given you 1 like before. This post deserves another. Well said.

ah excellent. so biden showering with his daughter “disgusts” you?

why couldnt you just say so from the start?

Of course we can all think what we want about someones guilt or innocence but my post earlier was about convicting him. A prosecutor would need a hell of a lot more to make a case for sexual abuse.

Obviously no such requirements in the court of public opinion but its interesting how even Trump is not launching into calling him pedo Joe and thats for a very good reason.

I cannot say that anyone has not molested their daughter let alone Biden.

Its ■■■■■■■ weird and its concerning what she wrote but I need more before I am going to climb aboard the Biden is a paedo bus.

And yes if Ivanka had said her dad showered with her I would say the same thing.

This situation is even more complicated by what she wrote to the judge stating her “innermost thoughts” were being “constantly distorted and manipulated” in an effort to “peddle grotesque lies by distorting [her] stream-of-consciousness thoughts,”

We can speculate all we like about what she means or try to read between the lines but there is no actual evidence and she would need to expand upon the shower incidents.

Last year at Orange Beach in Alabama they were more than a few parents showering with their kids at the beach shower. It was basically a single shower head on the path going from the condos. I forgot all about that until I was discussing this with my wife and she brought it up.

Now the probability she was talking about a beach shower is not high but its a possibility. Without more context and information from Ashley Biden there is not enough to know for sure.

I suppose the litmus test is would those on the right who are out for blood be saying the same if this had been Ivanka? would they no longer be voting for Trump and demand he remove himself as the candidate.

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You’ve never said that Biden showering with his daughter disgusts you. Not even close. Not even hinted it.

To be blunt, a lot of what you’ve posted in this thread disgusts me. Including throwing your wife under the bus about showering with your kids.

Biden’s behavior was disgusting. You’re doing all you can to run interference on it.


Not one person here would allow their child alone in a room with the Kid Sniffer. :rofl:

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No i would not. Then again not letting my grandkids be alone with anyone.

Its funny I am more militant about my grandkids than I was with my kids. i suppose thats what living for 52 years in a ■■■■■■ up world does for you.

This world has been ■■■■■■ up for a long time. It’s all the same snakes in the grass as it’s always been, it’s just that it’s harder to defend against them anymore. The betas are in charge, and it really shows.


That was why I loved the pandemic. I had an excuse not to mix with humanity :grinning:.

I love my wife but my god every family get together we are the first to arrive (hours early) and last to leave. Beautiful covid gave me respite.

And there I go again waffling….

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Well that was a waste.

Carry on.

Irrelevant now. He couldn’t even take the compliment without his hate flowing through.

Oh well :man_shrugging:t5:

There’s a lot of things that most people will see you do and think, “Wow, that’s amazing!” but would never in a million years actually try for themselves. They’re all great ways to get a break from it all. :wink:

sloppy takeoff


no its not. there wouldn’t be anything “probably inappropriate” about that, and no reason to remember it when “I remember trauma”

Its just a poor ass excise to attempt to excuse it


you can still answer my question. it’s simple

does biden repeatedly showering with his daughter disgust you?

context matters. given the context, there is no chance thats what that refers to

More imagination.

How do you know what type of showers she “probably” thinks is inappropriate?

Its stream consciousness… she also lists “getting her ear cleaned” is that trauma?

Disgust wouldn’t be the word I’d use. I think it’s weird. I personally wouldn’t do it.

But I didn’t take that one word as the entire point of Guvs post. The point I overall agreed with is “making up stuff isn’t necessary”. It’s what I’ve been saying this entire thread.