Ashley Biden Diary Contents Verified

and i argue it’s natural to think the worst given the context of her entry which is about different sexual related trauma she remembers

repeatedly exposing your genitals to your young daughter in the shower goes a little beyond just “weird“

isnt that illegal btw?

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You have no idea how old she was when this took place. That makes a big difference. It’s all jumping to the conclusion you want.

how could that possibly matter?

what age would that be ok?

she outright thinks it was likely inappro. how is that jumping to conclusions?

What age makes a difference? Old enough to remember it is too old to experience it.

Running interference for Biden’s disgusting behavior is likewise disgusting.

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Sorry I don’t just imagine pedo behaviors. If it isn’t explicit, I don’t make it up in my head.

There is nothing inherently sexual about a shower.

I’ll stick with weird.

I’m sure in some context it may be criminal. Idk

Yes, because then she can hear her parents having sex.

you dont need to imagine it in vivid detail.

she talk about being molested in that entry. it isnt a stretch, and it’s not inappr for the reader to wonder what else went on

not wearing your lawyer hat tonight?

the context here is repeated showers with your young daughter, so repeatedly exposing your genitals, close up, at length, to your young daughter.


For me. Never.

For other families who knows. I’ve known women who breastfeed their kids until 4. I think that is weird. I’ve known parents who kiss their kids on the lips well into teenage years. I find that weird. I’ve known parents who have no problem getting completely dressed and undressed in front of their kids. I find that weird

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Your kids seeing you naked is not illegal. Showering with your kids is weird and not something I would do or ever did but just the act of seeing genitalia is not child abuse.

Now we are getting into the territory of that idiot woman in florida who compared the David statue to pornography.

What was a waste?

Telling you that running interference for Biden’s disgusting behavior is disgusting? You know that every time you address me I’m going to remind you of my contempt for your posts. It’s never a waste to call out the garbage you post here.

Or was it a waste for you to “like” one of my posts? Or was it a waste for you to toot your horn about doing so, as if I was going to see your participation in some different light? Absolutely, it was a waste to toss confetti because you thought you paid me some sort of compliment. You said the post was well said, yet when you get challenged on what you were “complimenting”, you backed away from agreement with it.

You’d be smart not to address my posts at all. Any time you do, your attempt falls flat on its face, because you struggle to post anything honest or sincere. You don’t need my approval, or agreement, or favor. Your attempts to do so just dig your hole deeper. I keep telling you to pester someone else. Some day you’ll figure it out.


My mother in law goes to a church where they all kiss, adults and kids on the lips. Weird… I dont go.

If my kids come to visit unexpected they know the run of the risk of me sitting starkers watching the telly or playing video games.

I don’t regularly lookup pedo type laws. Sorry.

See this is imagination. Why are you imagining that much detail that isn’t expressed in the diary?

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how about repeatedly exposing yourself up close at length to your young kids/daughter?

nice try

Let go of the hate… it consumes you. Not healthy.

How liking your post turned into this is… wild.

Honest question if families indulge in naturism is that abuse? Why is just the act of being naked considered sexual?

Obviously if you being sexual in front of your kids thats wrong but just being naked in itself is not abuse.

it’s not imagination. it’s reality, when you shower with your young daughter. showers take time, youre naked, youre likely together in a small space….over and over

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That is weird. I’ve had some…ummm… free spirited friends in the past. They had three kids… each of them slept in their parents bed until they were about 8 or 9.

The point being… every family dynamic is different. Some weird. Some normal. Depending on how you view certain things.

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why would she be traumatized by it?