Ashley Biden Diary Contents Verified

Oh. Right. Just “young age”.

Nits on specific details makes it go away.

PS: that “sentence fragment” was in a paragraph listing a series of other sexual abuses and traumas (involving other people.) But, oh well, this one “fragment” defies inclusion in a list of other traumas. :roll_eyes:

Another sick defense of a sick event.

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What does this have to do with her exact age you continue to quote?

Imagine taking shots at Jill Biden and think you’ll be taken seriously.



snopes does. and prob that judge

No one into kids is gonna take it seriously. That would mean self-reflection. Not the kid sniffer, not his enablers, not his fanboys. Hell no. :rofl:


There aren’t specific details.

That’s the point.

A lot of assumptions are being made without any proof.

You are accusing a man of sexually molesting his daughter based on a sentence fragment in a stolen diary and the fact that you don’t like him.

That is the sum of the proof that is being offered.

Anyone who points this out is “sick”.

Very convenient


“unproven” before “true”

what does it matter? If she was old enough to remember it, she was to old for her naked father to be showering with her.

when one says “showers” (note plural) i think it’s safe to assume, or at least natural to assume, they were naked.

Is she an MD?

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The diary exists.

What it written in it is personal and we have no idea what she was actually referring to when she wrote it.

I understand that it is politically expedient to assume the worst thing possible… just like Paul Pelosi… but without further information… this is just insane to accuse someone of sexually molesting their daughter… especially when she had said that it is being misinterpreted

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there are enough. “young age” and “showers” meaning more than one

to me it seems like she held back from writing more. that would be understandable due to the “ugh” factor.

Where does she say in the diary that they were naked?

A lot of details are being filled in.

Why? What about at a beach… or at a pool?

You don’t know if she remembered it or if she was told about it. Also she doesn’t mention whether she or her father were naked. She also doesn’t mention her age.

You are confirming exactly why she made the statement of “gross misinterpretation and false accusations.” And you don’t even realize you are doing it.

who takes “showers” with clothes on?

Oh I see.

A grown man showering with a pre-teen in your book is not sexual abuse.


Again… assumptions are being made.

How do you know she held back?

that would not be “probably inappropriate”