Ashley Biden Diary Contents Verified

I’m not disputing the words or authenticity of the words. She clearly wrote that and she confirms.

What I am saying is that she also stated just as clearly that there were false accusations and misinterpretations. As far as I’m aware, there is only one page that has been making waves and that is the one you just quoted.



It could be the sexual trauma… but she doesn’t mention that she was sexually abused by her father.

“At a young age” she’s not specific. “Sex with friends” same age? Older?

Only she would be able to fill in the blanks. What she is read to say is that there are gross misinterpretations and false accusations.

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Stockholm Syndrome.


This is the new Paul Pelosi gay hammer play ploy.

No one seriously buys it.

Showering with dad she mentioned also.



She did not mention sex with Dad. Or being sexual abused by Dad.

This is the part that conservatives keep making up. I think it’s safe to assume those are the “gross misinterpretations” and “false accusations” she is talking about. Especially since I believe that page is the only one publicly leaked.

What was the circumstances of this shower? Was it at the beach? Were they wearing bathing suits?

One is letting a ton of assumptions in to accuse a father of sexually assaulting his daughter.

And now here comes the, “I ‘know’ a tranny kid” crowd to help defend the Kid Sniffer.



In her assumed private diary? At the time of that enter, she assumed her diary was private. She wrote what she wrote with that assumption.

As far as I am aware she has not claimed that she didn’t write those entries. But she has claimed there are gross misinterpretations.

Your stance in this thread is stupid (as in most other threads.)

You’re trying to defend a guy who showered with his 12-year-old daughter. Your posts are sick, and this defense is even more so.

Go troll someone else.


its in the diary

Where was her age mentioned in the diary.

There is a serious amount of filling in a story based on a sentence fragment.

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Where? It’s not on the same page as the “shower with dad” statement.

One would think that if someone was sexually abused by their father that there would be more than six words in a leaked diary to prove such a thing.

did she go back in her memory or was it contemporaneous with other entries?

You don’t have to answer that, we already know you’ll excuse it.

Any man that would shower with his daughter at any age under 18 is a pedophile. I have daughters, when they are toddler types who cannot bathe themselves, you bathe them. If they are old enough to stand in the shower, you don’t join them.


So you agree that Ashley Biden did not mention or insinuate that she was sexually abused by Joe Biden?

From what I can recall they never had it listed as false. Snopes like any fact check site has a range of ratings.