Ashley Biden Diary Contents Verified

Not “by things”. As an adult.

In other words, according the Ashley, she would not have wrote the dairy if she was not suffering from PTSD due to “being a victim of a crime in my early twenties”. She claims that she wrote the diary “as a part of her efforts to heal” following that crime.

I am beginning to believe there is more to it than just that,

I think he/they protest just a bit too much.


she said she was traumatized (“I remember trauma - “). then lists the things that caused it, among which is “showers with my dad”


that simple

That is not what you wrote. Did you forget already?

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actually, she sort of did.

In a section with the heading “hypersexualized at a young age” she lists things that made her that way. “Showers with Dad (probably inappropriate)” being one of them.

Unless of course you think being hypersexualized at a young age isn’t traumatizing?


right! i’ve already educated him over this. a couple times in fact

imagine needing to vote for a guy who traumatized his daughter by taking showers with her because you hate trump so bad.

woops there goes my “imagination” again

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TDS is acute and chronic.


i continue to underestimate its effects

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First…There is no “section” for “hyper sexualized @ young age”. The dairy entries are not sectioned off that way.

Second… you don’t have any idea if everything after that statement is the trauma she might of experienced. The next sentence after “showers with Dad” is “being turned on when I am not supposed to”

That doesn’t sound like trauma.

Again this is a lot of wild speculation and imagination.

Imagine bringing Trump into this… TDS indeed

completely false

an example of the hypersexualization bought on by sexual trauma just like showers with Dad

What this is, is you still attempting to explain it all away

BTW, why would a stream of consciousness put “being turned on when Im not supposed to” right after “showers with Dad”? You ain’t doing Joe no favors here.

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There is no sectioning on that page of the page. There is on the next page.

You said everything after “hyper sexualized @ young age” is a list of traumas. That can’t be because “turned on when I’m not supposed to be” is not a trauma. Could be a result of it… but the trauma itself

I’m just not imagining things that aren’t there. Stick to facts of what is in front of you.

You have this tendency to make ■■■■ up. Don’t do that. Calling you (and anyone else) out on that isn’t defending Joe… it’s setting the record straight so that we can discuss the merits of what is actually written.

Still at it, huh?


It’s stream of consciousness. You answered your own question. There is not particular structure or order when writing or speaking in a “stream of consciousness”

i’m not the one who is struggling with having to vote for a guy who repeatedly showered with his daughter

LOL… nope. You are just defending Biden’s deviant behavior.

nonsense. you’re getting more and more ridiculous

certainly is, one thing sparks another.

Why do you suppose “showers with Dad” sparked “being turned on when I’m not supposed to”?

Certainly sounds like a victim of sexual abuse

Oh I’m not struggling. :wink: