Armed group arrested on I-95 in Massachusetts

The large majority of Asian hate crimes are done by white males.

Why not?

Is that what they’re telling you?

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According the leftist academics, White supremacy is responsible regardless of the race of the attacker:

‘White supremacy’ causes Black citizens to commit anti-Asian hate crimes, Colorado prof claims - Washington Times


Consistency in reporting?

Is this related with the the black Israelites? I got harassed once by that bunch at a bus stop. Have to hand it to them they have zero language filter.

Thats a shooting offense…depending. Stop resisting! Why didn’t they comply?

Moors are Spanish Islamists.

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It’s actually pretty interesting that they were arrested without incident. I was assured on this very forum that that couldn’t happen, an armed black man being apprehended without being gunned down by the police. Here we have 11 heavily armed black men arrested without incident…other than their rights being violated.


Wow. Heavily armed men of color, a group named “Rise of the Moors”.

I await, with great anticipation, explanations of how this is different from a duplicate scenario with the exception being Proud Boys, Three Percenters, Patriot Pride, etc.

I don’t see a problem with people of color exercising their rights.


Not really. The Moorish Science Temple was a precursor to the Nation of Islam, and way older than any of the Black Israelite groups.

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Well, previous incidents seem to involve primarily be unarmed men and children people of color.

As an ardent second ammendment person, I am sure you will agree with me that the “heavily armed” piece may have been a factor.

I’m here, what’s on you mind?

Tomato tomàto. Bottom line, there were no crimes being committed. They were on their way to a training session. Advise them of the law in the state they’re traveling, and let them be on their way.

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I agree. But that’s not what happened, is it?

However, at this point, we don’t have confirmable details of the interaction.

Men standing on the side of the highway, tactical vests, and rifles drawn, at 1am. That seems like cause for concern, then you find out there are 11 heavily armed men, and they refuse to provide identification, that’s more cause for concern. Then they fled into the woods and caused a 9 hour standoff?

Seems like everything could have been avoided, if they had just kept their guns in their cases, per law when traveling across state lines.


Thanks in advance.

The Patron Saint of Conservatism, Reagan, did in the late 60’s.


What law?