Are you happy to know you will die?

The “hard problem” of consciousness is what turned me to property dualism. See David Chalmers and others works on this issue

Pot meet kettle

The scientific notion of energy isnt anything like what religions describe

I think consciousness requires biological mnemonic systems, and by definition, you cant experience nothing. The experience of living might just be an epiphenomenon where as long as the universe remains infinite, so does life. More of a reincarnation point of view, but without connections/karma

The energy in our bodies is neither created nor destroyed at death…it simply dissipates.

Energy changes forms all the time…you can’t use conservation laws to even begin to hint at an idea that some part of our consciousness survives bodily death…because dying and our consciousness disappearing in no ways violates any energy conservation laws.

We all gatta die sooner or later.

It’s just some of us will go to a better place, and some won’t.

Scriptures say that many are called but few hear or answer.

Answering must be forced and few do it. If apotheosis is not forced, it does not happen.


You are correct that stats show that believers are happier and live longer than non-believers. I think it is mostly due to stress reduction.

Believers earn that by creating more stress in the women and gays that must suffer the religious homophobia and misogyny and persecution, discrimination and denigration that has no just cause.

You look at the benefits while ignoring the evil that creates it. Or so it seems.


Death isn’t an issue, if someone believes in God, they know
that ultimately they will go to a better place when they die.

With a perfect being, the power of being able to do anything and everything
is possible.

By the way, I told ya’ll on here that Democrat Politicians colluded with Russia.
Now Conservatives, the Conservative Media, and Trumps team are going to expose the truth about it more and more, over time.

In 12 years everyone will know their reaction to what it feels like to die, according to Ms “AOC”.
Very likely those who have selected to accept the criterias to not experience the universal eternal warming after they die would be happier.

Many claim it would be happier under socialism and communism
Its all utopia and paradise and stress free at expense of other people resources.

I don’t think so. Christians are the most giving, generous, charitable and loving people in the world. And they are also happy. I wouldn’t worry too much about their moral dissonance. They aren’t.

Are you happy to know you will die?

  • I don’t know I will die. If Jesus returns soon, I could still be alive and not die at all.

Death or the fact that we die seems to be good news to Christians.

  • Why do you say that?

It is said that Adam’s sin brought death to earth and that the wages of sin is death.

  • Yes. Scripture says that.

Christians also sing that Adam’s sin was a happy fault and necessary to god’s plan.

  • Which songs are you referring to?

This indicates that part of god’s plan and desire is that all people should die. God’s plan cannot be derailed., if god is real.

  • I don’t see how you arrived at this conclusion.

Do you think god’s plan working?

  • Yes.

If it is working as god wishes, which must be so if there is a powerful god, and if death is good for us, does the thought of dying make you happy?

  • There is no reason to assume everything that happens is as God wishes things to happen. Nevertheless, God’s plan is still working out as God mitigates attempts to stymie His plan. The thought of my dying makes me happy. I am looking forward to a respite from having to watch the antics of people who love doing evil.

If the notion of death makes you unhappy, then why sing of sin, — and by inference, death, — as being a happy fault and necessary to god’s plan?

  • What songs are you referring to that speak of happy faults?

Another issue on the death, specifically the death of Jesus springs to mind.

If Jesus was not a sinner, how could he have died?

  • Jesus had a human body that depended on blood to vivify it. Remove the blood, and he would die. Ordinarily, God would have protected a sinless person on the basis that they did not deserve to suffer and die, but Jesus waived that right to immunity so that he could be a compassionate sympathetic judge, knowing by experience the full effects of a strict application of the Law to sinners. Judge who has experienced forty lashes will impose lashes on a criminal with more consideration than one who has never experienced being on the wrong end of the justice system.



That’s where I am.

It’s not the concept of death that troubles me, but the concept of forever.

I cannot even imagine what it would be like to live forever.

To have lived 10^100 years, and still have an infinite number to go?

Death is the same way…I know i have no concept of before i was born, but to think about that being again after i am dead? Forever?

Not so much fear as a total lack of comprehension.

[quote=“carpe_diem, post:89, topic:174304”]
Death isn’t an issue, if someone believes in God, they know
that ultimately they will go to a better place when they die.[/quote]


How can they even think that without self-delusion when scriptures themselves say that only a few get to heaven while the vast majority will end in hell?

That has yet to be proven but how can you see a genocidal son murdering god with such a poor save souls for heaven record as perfect?

I see him more as a failure for losing more than he saves.

That failure is perfect to you is it?


Do you really believe such garbage?


I would not say many. I would say few as most know that there has never been a truly communistic system on earth. It would have been a country with a flat socio economic demographic pyramid and no country has ever not had a hierarchical pyramid.

The same likely applies to your term of socialism which we likely define differently.


So you think it quite normal and good to follow and idol worship a genocidal son murdering god. Interesting.

Would it be moral dissonance on my part to reject such a moral monster and seek a good god?


I have enough of my own issues to worry about. Unless a religion is engaged in severe oppression, violence and seeks to expand through force. I see it as none of my business.

The Exultet hymn you sing every Easter.

You think God’s plan is on track so you must think Adam and Eve did the right thing. Just as your hymn states. A happy fault and necessary to god’s plan.

Are you saying you would not derail god’s plan and do exactly as Adam did?

With that attitude, and knowing that the vast majority of us end in hell, says scriptures, while just the few hear the call of heaven, can I take it that you would insure that more souls get to heaven by endorsing abortion?
