Are you guys really OK with this?

Should he be talking about TV ratings during a pandemic?

Why are you justifying them cutting away from our president during this crisis?


They canā€™t control the narrative. They are relegated to purveyors of confirmation bias support.

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Our President is the reason whyā€¦ remove him and the ratings would remain the same AND we get the right information out.

Trump adds nothing for people who care for the truth

So the man the people voted into office shouldnā€™t address the nation during this crisis? Is this another cover for China thing?


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: well, you tried that.

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Maybe it means

People are watchingā€¦

I dunno just spitballing butā€¦


What narrative? How would you know if it is or isnā€™t working (controlling the narrative)?

How can a newspaper be a purveyor of confirmation biasā€¦ isnā€™t that up to the reader?

Why is comparing ratings right now important? It adds nothing.

People would be watching regardless. We are in a pandemic right now. Trump hasnā€™t added anything to that. He has actually said things that make him look silly (I knew all along)

Huh? It was the stste governors who instituted the social distancing measures not trump.

Thereā€™s always a narrative. Do you think tanking the ratings of Coronavirus information dissemination will make Coronavirus go away? Or do you think less people will get pertinent information and it will really hurt Trump?



:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: well, you tried that

A massive waste of time that coincidentally overlapped the beginning of COVID19.

Golly what would have happened in DC without that dumb distraction???


Does touting ratings make it go away? Or give it more awareness?

Trump is always a victim.

The Narrative. Because he goes direct to the people.

support, confirmation bias support

The same thing that happened with it.

If less people are watching the briefings from the Coronavirus task force, will they be more informed or less informed?

If the President of the United States doesnā€™t think itā€™s important enough to address personally, is it really all that important?

Does the left want less people to watch? Or do they just want to be able to say that the President isnā€™t taking it seriously?

If more people get Coronavirus as a result of networks snubbing Trump, will it be worth it if heā€™s voted out of office? Because I think heā€™s too involved to quit conducting the briefings, and they exact their pound of political flesh by trashing him for not taking this crisis seriously.

What ever will they do?



No, heā€™s not. And thatā€™s another thing that aggravates the ā– ā– ā– ā–  out of the media and libs. Not only does he not take it like he should, he strikes back all out of proportion.

The people listening to your media are the victims.


What are you on about? The POTUS just treated and bragged about it like itā€™s a sitcom. Heā€™s a ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  end of story