Are you guys really OK with this?

What Hildawg said was stupid…

But she isn’t the President AND she isn’t touting her COVID-19 press briefing ratings during a pandemic

People want to hear from the leader of the free world and his team during a time of national crisis. Damn Wilber what a concept.

Pretty sure his comments were in response to media outlets who hate him wanting to not carry the daily Coronavirus briefings. It’s probably easier for the Rachel Maddows and don’t lemons and morning Schmoe’s of the world to misreport and spin the Presidents comments if people didn’t first hear the briefings live.

I have a far bigger problem with sensationalists like the Morning Dipstick on MessNbc saying Republicans are content to let veterans die as long as Boeing stays afloat, or words to that effect. While the administration has been very public and very open about its plans and actions irresponsible liars like Joe ScarsforBrains do far more damage than good with that kind of crap. As long as losers like Morning Schmoe are abusing their privilege of having a microphone and a public platform to lie like that, I have no problem with the President telling his side of the story
which includes the importance of the daily briefings.


…feeeeeeeeeel better? :sunglasses:

Guess what…they don’t need defending. Lefties have been demanding a defense of this mans very existence since he came down the escalator in 2015. Screw that…millions of us could care less about the left’s daily “my panties are all wadded up because I know Trump did something offensive” moment.

Sorry…if the President’s tweets bug y’all that much that’s your problem. Deal with it.




Just can’t do it, can you?

Can’t do what? Also…Let’s not take several posts to get to your point… thanks


I’ll take as many posts as I want.

That sums it up nicely.

He isn’t talking about ratings, he’s talking about the lunatic MSM’s
response to the ratings he is getting and the fact they want to stop airing his news conferences.

And YES this is the kind of President I want who gives the anti-American, anti-free speech corrupt MSM hell!

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Are ratings important right now?

Aren’t they always?

Is cutting away from the president trying to brief the people of the Coronavirus task force information important right now?

It’s easy to understand why the media hates our President - he made them irrelevant.


If they removed Trump from the press briefings they would not even consider it. But Trump just can’t help himself by spreading misinformation.

Leave Trump at home and have Pence and the Pips (Doctors) lead the briefings. Would be far more informative

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Are ratings important right now?

Actually they are. It matters that the story is getting out unfiltered.

Hasn’t Trump also touted that he helps their ratings? Is the NYTimes failing?

No, he’s doing just fine with the current format. I mean look at the ratings.

What do ratings have to do with that?