Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?

Every year, I improve financially and that’s by design. What I’ve enjoyed over the last several years is how many others with in, are also prospering at an excellent rate. That’s what truly makes me feel “better off”.


Clinton was still in office in 2000. I remember the market bombing in march of that year. I took a hit on stocks for a good long while.

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I’m in school right now and I’ll be 45 in October. There are a few older folks in class with me.

Very nice my friend. I wish you well and keep on keepin on. It sounds like you’re on a good path.

No reason to be embarrassed. Keep going at it and be proud.

Don’t be embarrassed. Life happens. I was in undergrad for 10 years or so. People kept paying me without a degree so I kept delaying. So at least you have a valid reason. Keep pounding!

NO apparently not! :roll_eyes: I wish we had a vaccine for TDS, don’t you?

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What part of pandemic aside did you not get? :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

That should be obvious… I was questioning your notion of pandemic aside. Perhaps you are fortunate enough to live in a part of the country that has been less affected. As someone who lives in a hot zone, and who has lost both friends and family, it seems callous to announce “pandemic aside.”

So do I

I meant at the time of the election. 20 years ago, I was just a high school dropout working as an overnight janitor at Wal-Mart.

A whole new cosmos has been created since then. Like two completely different realities that I can’t pinpoint exactly when they parted paths.

My sister went back to law school at 42. It was a huge leap of faith…but she did it. She now practices law in three states. Keep learning. Don’t quit.

You went to war. :wink:

In more ways than one…

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not only am i better off than i was 4 years ago, i’m better off than i was 4 days ago

good enough for a trump vote from me!

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I’m much better off. For starters, Obama’s not president anymore!!

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Your the one with trump defense syndrome.

In my view, all this banter about “Trump Derangement Syndrome” and “Trump Defense Syndrome” is a lazy excuse for refusing to engage in political discussion.

Amen to that! :+1: :grinning: