Are we headed for another government shutdown?

Looks to me like the leftist clowns are trying to play this game again. Seems you guys have had your hand in intentionally crashing the economy for political gain many times in the past few years. The game has always fallen in the leftist favor. Soon people are going to realize the game the left has been playing. But you all might get away with it again.

4 years ago?.. Oh wait… never mind.:roll_eyes:

Lol McConnell doesn’t want to raise the debt limit for bills he he not only voted for but helped write and champion.

Shades of rushing to change election rules at the last minute and then accusing the other side of trying to cheat to win the election.

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Then the dems can do it themselves.


Lol you guys have been so thoroughly pilled you can’t even keep a continuing resolution and a debt limit increase straight. Like it’s literally just gibberish.

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We’re talking about the debt limit.

And the leftist would not give an inch because they hoped to gain politically from the shut down. Partisan politics and here we have you only pointing to one side of the aisle hoping and praying it all works the same again.

Historically, shutdowns hurt Democrats, because it is their position that shutdowns are bad. So, in failing to stop them, they fail at their own doctrine of responsive government.

Democrats do not gain from shutdowns, and have no political interest in them

Now, let’s have some fauxrage, a snipe hunt, and the pretense that I am arguing for a Dem-positive shutdown…

Every time. Biden dinner party buds will see that this is not much news.

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Oh for crying out loud.

Nobody is buying that nonsense.

We see it every time…media covers and blames R for dragging feet.

Shutdowns are D modus operendi and they are NEVER politically hurt even one iota.


Media media media, like you guys don’t have an enormous, motivating media ecosystem…

If it were up to me government would be in a perpetual state of either gridlock or shutdown.

Sounds good to me.

The spending has been built in so these week or two shutdowns always amount to nothing. Media get to run scintillating headlines and gov workers get a paid vacation.

I like how they try and gate off the national parks to make sure it hurts. ■■■■ Ranger Rick parks are always travel at your own risk anyway.

Govt workers only get paid if congress votes to pay them retroactively. People living paycheck to paycheck can get in a real bind as well, putting cars and homes at risk.

Nope. They get back pay every time.

Never lost a penny.


No law requires it. Congress has to approve it.

Every time.

True I think they can approve to keep the pay going also. But then neither side could use it as a weapon.


That was changed after the 2018-2019 shutdown. The law Congress passed authorized back pay for future furloughs.

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