Are we about to witness a threesome on national T.V?

Walz is more like Kamala’s comfort pet.


“. . . everyone is the same and everyone shares." “The doctor and the construction worker make the same. The Chinese government and the place they work for provide housing and 14 kg or about 30 pounds of rice per month. They get food and housing." Tim Walz on China’s Communist system.

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Not doing interviews is actually very smart and Trump could use some of that.

Harris is a stupid person who says stupid stuff and she can’t handle pressure.

So just shut up.

All I want is someone to question her critically… and Tim as well. Kamala said she was never for an EV mandate, when as of a couple years ago she was. Walz used to be a 2nd amendment supporter, until he took a huge turn to the left on gun rights.

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LOL… even Kamala doesn’t know where Kamala stands


Yes it did.

You proved me correct.


You’ve got a programming malfunction: “Tim the nanny banger”? LOL. We know internet maga is inattentive, atrophied, and withered from playing on “Easy” mode for years, but you don’t have to be so obvious about it. :confused:

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What the hell do you think this means?

You think they might send her questions to be answered in an essay?

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Is Donna Brazille back at CNN?


Also… can you show me any of their positions on their campaign website? All I see are donation links.


Media sure is making a big deal out of Harris and her emotional support animal first interview. Wonder how many edits there will be.


A bunch!

1 hr interview cut to 15 minutes.

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Donald has already proven he’s unfit to be president.

That’s why he’s not president now.

His sheeple-baas are oblivious though.

Thanks for nominating the best gotv the Democrats have.

North Carolina will be going for Kamala.

We vote we win :muscle:

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Look at Maga having a sexual related meltdown.

She’s being very smart.

Maga screaming is not directing her actions. They scream this, she does that.

Who’s in the driver’s seat, and who are the ones crying that she’s not doing what they want,? :joy:

We vote we win :muscle:

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Why? You don’t like the fact that he addressed the huge trade imbalance with China? You don’t like that he addressed the southern border invasion and garnered the funds to build a border wall in spite of forces from both sides of the aisle working against him? You don’t like that he addressed the thousands of years of middle east tension by introducing the Abraham Accords?


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Flip flopper is next

Well there’s

And there is

And let’s not forget Kamal’s role in this:


Do tell, my dear friend, what policies during the Trump Administration, were destructive to the general welfare of the United States and her citizens?


“. . . everyone is the same and everyone shares." “The doctor and the construction worker make the same. The Chinese government and the place they work for provide housing and 14 kg or about 30 pounds of rice per month. They get food and housing." Tim Walz on China’s Communist system.


Wrong. What is next is the big question, why did Kamala need to bring her comfort pet, Tim Walz, to hold her hand during her first media event in FIVE weeks?


America’s wage-earning citizens have been made into taxed slaves by the Biden/Kamala Administration to pay for the economic and social needs of millions upon millions of foreign nationals who they have invited into the United States.


What imaginary world do you live in? What funds did Trump “garner” for the wall? Not the ones he claimed he would get. You know, where Mexico was going to pay for it. Talk about sheople. He “addressed” the trade imbalance with China? Great! What were the results? You realize our trade deficit with China under Biden is lower than it ever was under Trump? You must LOVE Biden. Talk about sheople. He “addressed” thousands of years of middle east tension? No one has ever “addressed” middle east tension before? Talk about sheople. I’m happy with the Abraham Accords, but I don’t think you even know what they were. Some nations that don’t border Israel and were completely at peace with Israel opened up diplomatic relations and recognized Israel. That’s great! I’m not going to complain about that. In the giant scheme of things what do you think that accomplished? It’s baby steps to the big ones. And I applaud the Trump administration for making those steps. But I don’t know what kind of giant world changing shift you think that was. Nice, but not groundbreaking. Carter getting Israel and Egypt to make peace and establish diplomatic relations was a ■■■■■■■ groundbreaking diplomatic achievement. So lets put things in perspective. Talk about sheople…