Are we about to witness a threesome on national T.V?

I think I need to scrub off after reading that. :rofl:


No imagination about Trump’s policies which advanced the general welfare of the United States and her citizens:

Trump Administration Accomplishments as of January, 2021


In every oppressive country like communist China, socialist Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, etc., where the people are disarmed, they suffer the loss of inalienable rights under an iron fisted government which lives large off the people’s labor. Forewarned is forearmed.


I’ll pass.

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Joey and Kamala brought you all this:

Is it time to arm school bus drivers now? Or should they just wait until kids are kidnapped or worse?

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You bragging about harris making billionaires richer are you?

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So stock market going up is bad now? Trimp.has said it will tank if Harris wins and that it would tank if Biden wins. But it would skyrocket if he wins. So what’s the problem?

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Look at you trying to pretend you were not bragging about harris and biden making billionaires richer. Hilarious.

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People cared about this interview until it happened. I watched a little, Dana Bash seemed to do okay.

Did Harris laugh weird?

Her laughs don’t faze me but I think she might have after she passed on talking about trump attacking her race.

I missed it. Did Harris come off like the stupid and inarticulate communist whore we were promised?


I recorded it… I’ll watch it tomorrow. I was too busy having a life to hang on the words of a politician. I’ll watch the CNN lovefest when I have a few and can fast forward.

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Tim mostly watched… he likes that gay ■■■■

CNN should have to claim that heavy petting session as a campaign donation. The Harris puff pieces intertwined were ridiculous. Compare this to Bash’s interview of JD Vance. Sad, people are this stupid.


It was boring but not sure what we all expected.

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I watched snippets and it was what I expected. Walzie was there for what reason again? Harris told whoever was watching exactly what her beliefs are. All you have to do is listen and you’ll know what their intentions are. Folks in PA have to be thoroughly impressed with Harris’ intentions to eliminate any fossil fuel production there with the “Green New Scam” legislation to be brought forward by eliminating the filibuster in Congress. I hear her.
In the end my impression is the candidate is a ham and egger politician the media desperately is trying to present the suckers as the real deal.
Pay attention Dims and remember, Ol Joe was made out to be a “unifying moderate” :rofl:


We waited a month for THAT!!

Unimpressive tripe. No policy.




Not one policy. Nothing but I will be true to what I say. She must mean starting today!


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