Are we about to witness a threesome on national T.V?

I’m thing yes. I’m pretty sure we’re about to see your nervous wreck V.P. and her emotional support coach involved in a televised love making session. Will Dana ask any of the hard-hitting questions that an actual journalist would ask and the people deserve to hear? Me thinks not. Make no mistake folks. This will be a campaign event. With all of the anxiety and nervous giggles edited out. Breitbart got it right. They have some REAL questions that any presidential candidate should be required to answer. The only question I expect to hear is: Was it good for you? As they all relax with a cigarette in the afterglow.


I plan on watching at least some of the interview myself instead of imagining them all having sex.

Which is harder to do after reading this thread, so thanks.

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It’s virtual and emotional love making. Probably no more than cuddling.

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You would post this in a thread where I’m already thinking about threesomes? Libs really are the worst.


I wouldn’t say no to a threesome with Dana Bash!

Okay. I won’t argue that one. She’s kinda unusual looking. But in a good way.

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Wonder if there will be any probing questions?

Jack Tripper raises an eyebrow

Hey, that was all innocent. Just because he was rooming with two hotties isn’t reason to suspect anything.

Remember. A lib pundit pretty much declared your old nanny banger to be the sexiest man alive.

matrix spoon Trump

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Was there a conservative imagined three some with them? :rofl:

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They’re both male.

And so?



Let’s aim for pleasant but serious for the interview. Has to be more than asking what made you pick Walz, what is your shared dream for America. Despite all the joy it’s not the newlywed game show.

The interview:

Tim the nanny banger doesn’t let dudes play when he’s cheating. Too bad the nanny doesn’t have a better name like Mystique, Kitten, Moana or Stormy. It would have gotten more attention.