Are we about to witness a threesome on national T.V?

She’s obviously unqualified to be POTUS and so she’s doing these bull feces, they already know the questions interviews instead of answering real questions from journalists that would challenge her. This again further substantiates how the left is simply being sheoplized. STOP PEOPLE…THINK for yourselves. Consider San Francisco, California and our southern border. These are all examples of how her influence did NOTHING POSITIVE and a lot of damage.

Is this what you want for this nation?

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Being a neurotic, maniacal laughing, anxiety riddled, nervous wreck is enough to make her unqualified.


So? Why do you care?

You realize that Trump calls into FoxNews almost daily right? This is how things work.

Ha exactly.

Why don’t you care? Trump gets challenged almost daily. Do you really want a president who is so neurotic that she’s afraid to take questions that are out of her comfort zone? And needs a man to prop her up? Do you think she can giggle her way out of anything?


Trump doesn’t even get challenged by reality daily. He thinks he won California…and that’s the tamest of his misperceptions of reality.


At this point, we’re not going back to the Walter Cronkite days. 24/7 media is driven by profit and only profit. And being “fair and balanced” aight the money maker it used to be.

Harris gets challenged almost daily, too. See, FoxNews, NewsMax, Brietbart, NY Post, etc.

Prove it.

Literally EV-REE-THING was better under Trump. And that IS provable. Like the border. 270 percent fewer border crashers.


Really she has given them an interview?

What a stupid comment.


I wish I hadn’t read the title of this post.


I don’t think you know what the word literal means. I responded to that claim in another thread, but you can’t possibly say the stock market was better under Trump. So if you’ll just acknowledge that would you please stop using the word literally?

Proving what 6 has said for some time now, they have a crush on him. The pee tape was a fantasy, their fantasy.


I also love the premise that a Democratic nominee in 2024 (in this case, a prosecutor, Senator, and VP) is some opaque, enigmatic black box. My god, what could she possibly stand for? Does anyone know? It’s all a huge mystery!

The GOP and its servile MAGA strangeloves are rightly frustrated because little they’ve tried (e.g., “Harris is a stupid, crazy whore!”) has damaged her. They need new material—something, anything—to latch onto: a word, a phrase, a laugh, a claim, even “Oh my god, she’s appearing with her VP!” to produce fresh prole-feed slurry for the base. She’s been smart to starve them so far.


Incorrect. She won’t even speak to her sycophant lib networks. She will never, ever be able to overcome her anxiety long enough to speak to any of the sources you mentioned. In fact, she totally lied and said she was working on an interview with Fox.

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Bunch of gazers.

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The original comment I was responding to didn’t mention being challenged during interviews.

Thanks for this completely unnecessary comment.

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Fine. What does she stand for?

racist bullhorn


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Your original comment didn’t explicitly say “being challenged during interviews”. I took it as being challenged generally. But no, Harris is never going to give NewsMax or Bretbart interviews. She should go on FoxNews.