Are the walls finally closing in on the "fine people" hoax?

this simple logic escapes the left

what can ya do

And fine people don’t rally along side rioters, looters, arsonist and people who cause harm to others.

And Biden has had since May to condemn Antifa and BML for rioting, looting and burning what’s taking him so long?

What about if you go to a protest and see looting, burning and assaults? Do you decide that maybe it’s best not to get involved and go home? If you don’t go home do you become one of the rioters, looters and people who are assaulting people just because you stayed?

They are just bringing up this old story to try and provide cover for Biden supporting rioters, looters and people who assault other people.

This shouldn’t be hard. Rioters went to peaceful protests to use them for cover. The “fine people” went to protests organized by racists.

I would leave.


Where did Biden call them “very fine people”?

I see. So it would’ve been more logical if they had protested the taking down of the statue where the Marxist antifa crowd was congregated.

It’s worth pointing out that Trump was on the verge of an infrastructure rollout and because of this lie and hoax, not only did many of his economic council members quit, but the cbc also walked away from working with the President and abandoned their constituents.

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We almost had infrastructure week. But for real.

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If it was a federal case, think he will be out by 2024. Maybe even in 2021. Once Trump is returned in a landslide 2020 election.

Harris and Biden campaign workers have been raising funds for a group that is bailing out violent extremists including those charged with murder and attempted murder. See the bottom links in the OP.

Biden and Harris have never condemned Antifa or BLM even after months of rioting, looting, and
murder. Here are some of the victims, who are generally ignored by the mainstream media:

Two young men died and several more were wounded during the Antifa occupation of in Seattle CHAZ/CHOP:

According to Wikipedia, the death count in the protests and riots since George Floyd’s death is up to 30 people.

In spite of the deaths, Biden and Harris still have not condemned the organizations responsible for the
deaths and violence. Instead they are funding bail to get accused murders back on the streets, while at the same time they are falsely accusing Trump of supporting violent extremists.

Link to prove Biden and harris are raising money to bail out violent protestors?

In a previous thread, I believe it was Smyrna that said he would continue marching because he knew why he was there (statues, not nazism).

How am I to interpret this as anything but a trump supporter saying Trump will commute/pardon James Alex fields?

Is that something you want and expect?

Whatever Democrats accuse Republicans of that’s immoral or illegal, they’re already doing it, but much worse. Biden was good friends with, and praised a lifelong Klan member. Any Dems remember that? No, of course they don’t. Even though Bidens racism past and present are well documented, they still have the sincere delusion that he’s not an outright racist. Amazing filter they have in their brains…

Stay on topic please. We are talking about people who rally along side Nazis.

Funny thing: you leftists don’t believe that every last person present at a BLM or Antifa protest where violence and rioting break out is guilty!!! How is that possible?? Are you saying that people who don’t condone violence and racism and rioting are mixed among the crowd doing those things??? :flushed: Yet, Biden and Harris have not immediately and unequivocally denounced the violence yet. What a bunch of hypocrites…


But you’re just fine with marching with Antifa maggots and Violent BLM people attacking police officers, women and children though right? But of course you are, because THOSE are good people…