Are the walls finally closing in on the "fine people" hoax?

Not to meantion, remember, it was the night before the protest that the Nazis showed up with torches saying. “Jews will not replace us”

All those very fine people saw that and thought “I’ll join them tomorrow!”

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Oh… I have a whole thing that I usually type out every few months.

Don’t feel like it anymore.

If they want to defend the President failing the absolutely easiest test of any President… then they can.


Lol remember when he claimed not to know who Davis Duke was even though he left the Reform Party a few years before because of a spat with Duke? Good times.

I’m having fun seeing some of the mental gymnastics Trump fans are having to go through to excuse his comments.

how is biden funding antifa?

It wasn’t a “statue” issue. It was a white nationalist rally issue

Whatever nazis were there? It was their ■■■■■■■ rally

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selectively quoting


mental gymnastics?

pointing out what he said.

Trying to be fair here, but there are a few mental gymnastics I am not limber enough to attempt.

This…was…a…Nazi…rally. Ostensibly due to the proposed removal of RLE statue, it morphed into a full blown Nazi rally.

So lets say Mom and Pop from wherever see that a rally is taking place around that statue and they always liked that statue for whatever reason, they decide to go and participate.

Someone hands them a torch.

They hear “Jews will not replace us!”

All around them are young men doing the Nazi salute, wearing Nazi gear, the whole shebang.

If they were decent people, they would say “Uhhh this is not what we thought it would be, lets get the hell out of here!” That would be a testament to their character, though the whole statue thing is a little suspicious.

If they picked up the torch and started chanting along, that is another matter.


Liberals & fake never stop chewing on a the bone that has literally been ground into dust. :roll_eyes:

See video at 1:00
“And they were met by a courageous group of Americans.”

Unlike Trump, Biden has made no distinction between the truly peaceful protestors and the violent Antifa extremists.

Back when Biden was a senator, he called a confederate heritage group “fine people”:

Biden and Harris continue to support Antifa and even help to bail out violent extremists charged with murder.

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Biden said that all of those who stood up to the White Supremacists “Courageous Americans”. He did not name Antifa or any group by name.

They are not Nazis.

Maybe not literally. But spiritually.

At worst they are wannabes and not even good ones. These guys are clowns. The bad guys are in the boondocks making meth and such. They ever decide to come out of the dark, we’ll know it.

I absolutely despise them, hate even, but they are not Nazis.

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Were pre-Nazis Nazis?


Trump said that they and the white nationalists should be condemned totally. One would come to the logical conclusion that Trump does not think they are fine people.

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Oh how I love this post.

Hey, Sneaky, I had a long first day at school today. It’s the best I can do before I go over my plan for tomorrow, close it down, and hit the hay. No convention for me. Just school now. I’ll catch you on the flip side.