Are statues and monument really important to pereserve history

See this is the problem with ignorance. On a side note:

Don’t worry. We won’t let her take down the Obelisk of Wokeness.

I don’t think there’s much of a call for American statues, like the Founders, being removed. Angela Rye has been calling for their removal since at least 2017 and they’re all still standing.

I say we adopt the Taliban idea of banning all statues of people. Blast those faces right off Mt. Rushmore. That way nobody can be offended by them.

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Mt Rushmore is god ugly.

As long as the people in charge allow them to take over parts of cities and don’t allow the police to do their job the sky is the limit I’m afraid.

What’s next cancel Santa.
A white guy with a white beard, coming from a place covered in white snow, dreaming of a white Christmas. Oh no I gave them another idea :man_facepalming:

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Yeah! Eradicate it! It offends me!

Well you are at it, get rid of Dixie cups, Southern Comfort and Rebel Yell bourbon just to be safe.

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It’d be one hell of an explosion…

I could not be more opposed to this new effort by a bunch of people in 2020 to whitewash history. Statues, monuments, memorials, placed by individuals in years past were put there for a reason. I’ve not once heard any of the thugs and vandals removing and defacing these properties even try to understand or care what those reasons are. As a result you get garbage like this…News | “Statues of former U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill were graffitied, while other statues were thrown into the harbor by protesters taking part in demonstrations from London to Bristol.”

Damn, maybe the Black Lives Matter kooks should learn something about Abraham Lincoln before they start spray painting his likeness.

They are part of our history, even if they don’t recognize nice people. They are part of our heritage, they are part of what makes America America. They don’t belong to the twerps trying to remove them today, that’s not our decision to make. They belong to history, to the people of yesterday and the people of tomorrow.

Careful folks, at the rate we’re going Washington and Jefferson might not be safe.

Careful folks, when you start ripping down history just because it offends you’re silly little sensibilities today, you are opening the door for someone who thinks differently from you to destroy your history tomorrow.

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Mount Rushmore is one of the most beautiful and breath taking sites you’ll ever see.

If you don’t like it you can stay in Canada.

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Nah … short work for 155 cannon fire.

Go Visit all of the Monuments and Memorials in DC then tell us you have the exact same understanding and feeling of American History you had before doing so.

Take a Trip to Egypt, tour the Pyramids, Ancient cities, Tombs, Libraries etc then come back and tell us it didn’t enrich and enhance your understanding of Ancient Egypt.

That would be a tough chore with indirect fire.

Planted charges would be much more efficient and effective.

Well, that would be cool too, but I was thinking more along the lines of one big boom. Not that I have anything against the monument itself.

Hard to beat C-4 appropriately placed and set to chain fire. :smiley:

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Indirect fire? You can see the darned thing from the public highway rest stop. :wink:

I don’t have the patience to drill and set charges. Just wheel in the cannons and fire away.

Howitzers fire shells at a high arc, indirect fire.

Tanks use direct fire.

Neither would be a good choice for removing the faces.

and I’ll bet very few of these monumental protesters are fans of Napoleon…

I said cannon, not howitzer. At short range (Mt Rushmore monument is only about two miles from the overlook on the highway east of the Park) ballistic fire is not only not required with a 155 cannon. Heck, you could hit that target with a 75 mm WWII cannon at that range.