Are statues and monument really important to pereserve history

Oh, come on…

The point is, these statues were put in place as a compliment to Jim Crow to instill intimidation on a black populace struggling for equality in the deep south. Or, possibly, as a celebration of a time when Whites fought for the institution of slavery and dominance of another race of human beings.

Neither is an acceptable reason.

Don’t act like you don’t know what happens when a radical group runs out of boogeymen.

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I couldn’t care less. I don’t have an emotional attachment to history.


I do have a strange attachment to the present though. :man_shrugging:

You were saying?

Geese lives matter too! I’m offended.

Suck it up snowflake!

The Far Right agrees that the Churchill statue should be defaced they don’t want Churchill there either they want a statue of Hitler in his place. The people who want the Churchill statue would be patriots of Britain which seems to be a naughty word these days.

If it wasn’t for Churchill who knows, operation sea lion might have taken place and could likely have succeeded.

A lot of people don’t know that Mr. Rogers debuted an early version of his show in Toronto.

Yes. It perpetuates the patriarchy by limiting the female’s role to laying eggs and caring for ducklings.

It is sexist and misogynistic.

There are 8 ducklings in that picture. If zi had access to abortion, as is a duck’s right, zi would not be living in poverty and destroying the planet.

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Roberto Clemente and Willie Stargell also.

The British version of racism was sort of Benevolent Superiority.

They viewed other races, even other white nations as children that needed to be ruled and guided like children.

If not for the American volunteers and American supplies The National Language of England would be German.

The RAF was literally on it’s last legs when Hitler finally lost patience with Goering failing to win the air war and just a handful of volunteers, many from the US Germany would have succeeded.

Without our sea train, they’d have had to surrender or watch the nation starve and the Pilots would have been down to throwing wrenches at the VI’s and planes as they flew over to decimate what was left of Britains Cities.

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All Europeans think they are the superior Whites.

they fought maybe 200 wars about it.

Clearly they should have been swans who share the duties of raising their young equally. I guess I’m just not woke enough. Are the Boston swan boats okay? That swan doesn’t look too happy.

No. Everybody in that photo is white. Except…

The statue thing isn’t the issue for I think the majority of people the issue is when does it stop? Is it just the confederacy statues? I think we can see it’s not. How far does it go? Anyone paying attention would know the founding fathers are next on the chopping block for the most radical on the left, and I say the most radical because I believe most democrats wouldn’t be for this either.

I never thought I would be living at a time when the number one bought and downloaded movie on Amazon was “Gone with the Wind”. See this is the problem with censorship it has the exact opposite reaction when something is banned, suddenly everyone wants it. On a side note TIL Gone with the wind was the first movie that was awarded an Oscar to a African American. It seems they are picking the wrong targets which is common with mob mentality.

The discussion was about Churchill and the Brits.

If you think I’m erring in that discussion make your case.

Mob mentality is anathema to critical thinking.


No doubt some of the more extreme elements are already calling for the extermination of the founding fathers, but I don’t think there is much doubt that Gone With the Wind glorifies the antebellum south and downplays the evils of slavery, especially the latter as do many movies and shows of the time period. I think people are watching it now more to understand it than anything else. People that have never seen it mostly I would guess.

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