Are members of the gay community better adjusted, in a moral sense; than homophobes?

Yes. The study further states the suicide rate in same sex marriage is still higher than in heterosexual marriages. No argument that the new is better–but there is still a ways to go. Let’s not settle for anything less.

As someone who has worked with children her entire life: There is absolutely no need to introduce children to the subject. Let them be children. Do you know that in some places, teachers are going behind parents’ backs to bring this topic up with children? Now, if parents want to discuss this with their own children at a very young age, that is up to each set of parents. It is not up to society.

Yes. It shows that the simple fact of someone being homosexual isn’t really a direct link to mental illness. It’s societal/cultural pressures, limits and environments. Same sex marriage had a very positive effect. And there’s so much more - shame from family, shame from the church, bullying, etc. Even if homosexuality is “regionally” accepted, we can’t deny there is still a disproportionate pressure applied to the LGBTQ community to thhink of themselves as shameful, dirty or not normal.

There’s still heavy pockets of racism in this country even though we “regionally” accept all races.

Yes I’m aware of the thread in the politics forum. If you want to discuss politics, discuss politics there.

When a teen starts going through puberty, or when sex ed starts, should we or should we not teach that homosexuality is OK? If a teen going through puberty feels homosexual orientations, should we tell them to “wait it out”? Did you have gay students?

What exactly are these parents saying thats different from the teachers? Are the parents ashamed? Maybe they are trying to discourage their children from feeling homosexual feelings?

And we wonder why LGBTQ have higher rates of mental illness. They are taught at young ages that what they feel and do sexually is wrong, gross, shameful, not normal, etc.

Of course I have gay students! What a question. It may come as a shock to you but back in high school also had gay friends and a gay teacher. Only back then, we just called them friends and teachers, and so I developed this habit of just calling gay students, students. Do you feel this need to identify and introduce your friends, teachers, and students by their sexual orientations? For example, “This is my homosexual friend, Jack, and my heterosexual friend, Joe.”

Guess what, sex ed isn’t about teaching students what is okay and what is not okay when it comes to sex. Why is it you want to spotlight same sex couples? Why is it you believe most even want the spotlight? Maybe your friend Jack merely wants to be Jack, just like Joe merely wants to be Joe.

Don’t be silly. At these young ages children aren’t being introduced to sex at all any more than they are being introduced to quantum physics.

I didn’t say anything about introducing friends as being gay, randomnly in any conversation. What I said was that it is important to educate people that being gay is OK and that it is normal and you shouldn’t be ashamed.

It’s not “spotlighting”. It’s simply an addition to the curricullum that homosexuality is normal and ok. Sexual education is about, you know, sex. Sexual orientation is an aspect of sex. What is so wrong about that? What harm can that do?

That’s incredibly naive. Puberty starts at ages 11-12 on average. Kids 11+ think wwaaaaay more about sex than quantum mechanics. What are you talking about?

So we need to tell teens who think they are gay to wait it out, not include homosexuality in our sex ed, tell them to be quiet about their sexuality, pretend society has accepted them in the same way we have heterosexuals, then go post on the internet about how “concerned” we are that gay people commit suicide at higher rates.

Funny world we live in.

I specified elementary school children…K-5. Sixth grade is middle school–your 11-12 year olds.

What do you mean by this? It appears to be a claim that hangs on nothing.

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All groups have members who get bullied . If Homosexuals collapse under bullying and others such as persecuted Christians face bullying with hope, joy, and praise and worship of Jesus Christ, which of those groups is better-adjusted, as per the Opening Post?

It’s NONE of the teacher’s business. They are hired by the parents to teach history, math, science, chemistry, spelling, writing and reading…period. Any teacher going outside these boundaries should be fired on the spot.


Why? Just because you believe it is normal does not mean it is to be encouraged or condoned and taught. Stealing is normal to some demographics. Rape is normal to some demographics. Lying is normal to some demographics. is normal to some demographics. Obesity, cancer and diabetes are normal to some demographics.

Why stigmatized those behaviours/conditions? Why not teach they are OK? Why not encourage them.

What makes homosexuality normal in your mind?


What do those have to do with others of the L-BTQ+ and all women that religious misogyny harm?


Some are tied to sexual orientation as they have to suffer the discrimination from others without a just cause.

That has to have a great impact on some, if not most of suicide cases.

This is not rocket science.


The Father perfectly expresses every holy masculine anf feminine quality. As does the Son and as does the Holy Spirit.

As did Adam before God took part of his DNA and made Eve and gave each an interdependent imbalance toward one or the other gender.

Those who have the Holy Spirit, have the missing componemts of the complementary gender supplied by Him: a Christian female receives manly qualities from the Holy Spirit, and a Christian male receives feminine qualities from Him too.

Depending on who you are referring to, some of the Fathers can be seen as genocidal, homophobic and misogynous and few would call that perfect.

That aside, if you are talking a supernatural God, you are lying or miss-using speech, as you have no way of knowing anything about the supernatural.

Let’s stick to truth, ok.

I will ignore you trying to remake the Trinity.


It’s not lying. I hope you find out before eternity begins for you…

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