Are Democrats starting to panic about vote-by-mail?

Is it me, or does there seem to be a strange synchronicity between what Trump is doing to our election system and what the Russians want to do to it?

Because ballots have to be in possession of the United States Postal Service, an agency of the Federal government on Election Day to be valid.

Are you saying it would take the Trump Administration and his Postmaster General a week, month, or year to deliver mail in ballots to local election officials?

Are they anticipating more ballots being tossed away? US Postal Service investigating trays of mail, absentee ballots found in Wisconsin ditch
Or found in a ditch somewhere

If you live in rural PA I wouldn’t trust my ballet going where it suppose to go.

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No one believes that people who voted in person would die, and their families would die. My God the Hyperbole is rampant.

Sure it might be safer to vote by mail, but if I can’t recall anyone saying " if you vote in person you and your family will die".

Show me anyone with any authority saying that. OK?

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That wily President Trump…he’s telling people to vote by mail in ballot so he can claim even more fraudulent voting.

The man is fixing to steal the presidency whether he needs to or not?

Everyone is always out to get you. :roll_eyes:
How do you ever leave the house?

And if the state says must be returned BY election day? On no! Gotta ha ve the courts chamge it!

Out here we have official ballot drop boxes…you don’t even have to mail it. Just drive up and drop it off into large secured container. And when it’s shut down after the last collection they lock it so it cannot accept anymore ballots.

My location is down the road about mile and quarter at county library.

And where do they do the counting…at that very same library.

There is no reason to even use the postal service.

Guess which candidate and which party are suing to have drop boxes declared illegal?

Don’t care…

Why am I not surprised you don’t care?

It’s all about libs hatred towards Trump and nothing else.

You lauded drop boxes as a good thing…I let you know Trump and the GOP are suing to get rid of this thing you call good and not surprisingly you say you don’t care.

Anything that makes voting easier for people in these bad timwa is being resisted to the end by Trump and the GOP.

This is the side they always come down on…whenever it’s made easier for people to vote…they resist.

And this doesn’t bother you… unsurprisingly.

And cons undying love for him.

See how that works

And 2 of them were unknown votes.

So 7 trump votes.


I expect libs like yourself will bitch and moan about everything and anything regardless of circumstances. I’ve stop listening to em for precisely that reason.

Also libs love of taking things out of context is another reason.

Yes…I love him. I love the fact that he drives libs crazy/insane. I love the fact that he expose just who and what libs are. I love the fact that lib deny everything they once stood for.

Sort of the same here. Lockbox at the county office. Emptied daily at close of business. Ballot checed for signature on outside of envelope, logged it was received and put in a safe until election day.

They have a couple more at outlying city offices that are collected weekly.

Here in utah you can log onto a state site to see what day your ballot was received.

If the signature is missing or doesn’t match, they send a letter and form called for in law to see if you can correct the issue. You ballot shows up on election day (or number of days after prescribed by law), there is no guarantee you will get the letter and form in time and retrn it in time to have your ballot counted.

Probably depends on the laws of the state. no one has challenged Utah LAW. Mez thinks they are challenging people making ■■■■ up out of thin air on how the elections are run without a change in law.

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