Are Democrats panicking in Minnesota?

I miss most of your points since you seem to be limited to 25 characters or fewer per post. Explain yourself.

As soon as Minnesota voters kicked the GOP to the curb the state finally legalized marijuana, which Republicans had blocked for years. More freedom is good, no?

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Looks like corporate investment has noticed and sees the handwriting on the wall.
But yes, the Dims are in control. :crazy_face:
Study finds that Minnesota is losing $6.6 billion in investment to other states thanks to high taxes and labor shortages.

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The article you posted discusses investments from 2018 to 2022, when Republicans controlled the Minnesota Senate. The Democrats have been in full control for less than a year. In my opinion the state was better off when Republicans controlled at least part of the state government, and I expect that they will again before long.

Peak pendulum.

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Democrats will make mistakes and overreach and get slapped down for it. Minnesota is a blue state, but just barely.

Missouri used to be a much more stable purple state. The Bellwether as it was once called. The pendulum has been wildly swinging since 2008. First heavy to the left, then to the right. We’re at just about the same peak.


Ellison and Django is the point.

I’m not a fan of Ellison and that was a very dumb comment.

Agreed. Was it racist?

Ellison is an AG in Minnesota. Justice Clarence Thomas is a jurist who serves as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Clarence Thomas probably has forgotten more than Ellison would ever know about the written law.
For Ellison to make such disparaging comments about Justice Thomas only shows his lack of intellect.


There’s a clear division between the attitudes of the Minnesota metro cities and it’s rural areas. If you look at the state by color red/blue and it’s divided by land ownership
it’s mostly red.

Yes, it’s the same everywhere. More people live in cities.

Seems like it.

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It makes you wonder if our Founding Fathers had it right in the very beginning that you had to be a property owner
doesn’t it? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

No, not at all. And people who live in cities are property owners too, they just own houses and condos instead of land.

That’s “land”
and they should be able to vote. Those that don’t have their doo-doo together enough to acquire their residence
I’d have to question the logic behind this original thought whether their opinions should valued enough to be counted?

Now consider that this has changed so much
that in some places
illegal aliens are allowed to vote? IYO
is this going in the right direction?

In federal elections? Or local elections? And are they “illegal” while their paperwork is being processed., or are they just a bunch drug dealers and rapists?

Houses include land, most condos do not.

Millions of people choose to rent instead of own. That’s a choice, not a matter of having their “doo-doo together.” Choosing to own land doesn’t make one’s opinion more valid than anyone else’s, and I say this as the owner of 160 acres, much more than the majority of my neighbors own. Why should my opinion be more important than theirs?


lucky for the dems that land is not franchised to vote.

if it was. uh oh.

but its not. phew


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:rofl::rofl::+1:t4: D⁶!

Over and over.