Are Democrats panicking in Minnesota?

It’s nice to know that losing my house, job, and marriage all at once makes my opinions worthless.

Did they come across the border legally? That’s what defines it…PERIOD. No one should have the right to vote, who is not here legally. Granted…California thinks differently and now consider the mess that state is in for this illegal behavior. Crime, violence, poop in the streets and homeless people in the hundreds of thousands. Wow…that’s how to run a state…INTO THE GROUND!

This was the original thought by our Founding Fathers. As far as your opinion…I’d ask the bank that financed the house, the employer and the ex-wife what their opinion is of this individual before I’d decide that.

On a more serious note…I sure hope this doesn’t represent reality?

Nearly half of people that are here illegally, now, originally came across the border legally.

Do you think they should be able to vote in local elections?

If you’re VISA has expired, get the ■■■■ out. That’s the law and all of us should be united in either supporting it or going through Congress and changing it. See how simple this is? That’s my universe of reality that you’re having such a hard time dealing with.


Its the reality I am walking through. Slowing rebuilding the finances that were hosed over and this November I will have finished paying off the last financial bomb thrown my way with the IRS. Sold the home because the neighborhood went to hell in a handbasket with the new next-door neighbor selling drugs. Was renting to find a better place to live when everything fell apart.

But least my opinion doesn’t mean a damn because I can’t swing for a down payment for a home.