Are cracks developing in the China-CIA alliance?

false, the virtue signalling leftist did. all trump did was provide the guidance through the cdc. your leftist masters did the rest demanding a national mandate which was not called for by the guidance. again, why would you need to wear a mask in TN because NY has a problem? this was an issue for governors, which is where trump left it, with the governors.

National Mask mandates never happened. Masks work.

You don’t know the definition of virtue signaling

because the call for it was political virtue signalling, not science.

trump didn’t go out and initiate any conversations about masks, he responded to questions from virtue signalling leftist intent on using masks as a cudgel against him. they politicized it, not him.

There is very good evidence that the COVID virus is the result of genetic engineering.

There is a question whether a man-made virus was released accidentally or intentionally. My observation is that the government of China took two months from the first cases in November to start to limit the outbreak in Wuhan in January 2020. By that time there were many cases outside of China, which assured development of a pandemic.

I see no way to reconcile Chinese government’s slow response to an accidental lab leak unless they intentionally wanted the virus to spread outside the country. In my opinion, the COVID pandemic has all the characteristics of a bioweapon attack regardless of whether the original lab release was intentional or not.

America absolutely failing its people during the pandemic has resulted in both parties writing fanfiction about China to make them feel better.

Lol masks were to retard the spread of aerosolized mucus and phlegm because they’re seropositive fluids that carry the virus. I can’t believe y’all still pretending that’s not real.

i can’t believe you actually believe a cloth face covering prevents aerosolized anything. covid is droplet based, not airborne (which has a specific medical definition).

The new party line from the CDC says that fine particles / aerosols are important.

Can cloth material stop droplets? Asking for a friend

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you should read it. the conclusion was drawn due to not finding (or accepting) an alternative. they surmise that since it spread indoors and they can’t see how it could have been larger droplets it must be riding on aerosol sized droplets… and then conclude it did. it may be, but this suggests it, it doesn’t prove it, hell. it doesn’t even show it. covid is droplet based, it hitches a ride on other droplets. it is not an aerosol

depends on the size.

Okay, so NOW we believe the numbers released by China?

Also, in China masks and lockdowns were NOT optional. Half the population wasn’t running around crying about their freeberty and holding mass spreader events. If the Chinese authorities said wear a mask, you bet your ass you wore a mask. If they said stay inside at home, you stayed inside at home.

And one more thing: As to my previous statement, how did the Chinese know Trump would react in such a way that would piss off over half the population? That’s some next level behavioral analysis right there!

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this half?

And this half.

And this half.

did you actually read that “study”, done by the same economists who concluded floyd protests did not spread covid?

hint: its garbage

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They put on masks. Because they weren’t ■■■■■■■■■

While it is likely that China has downplayed the numbers, I do not see how China could have hidden an epidemic similar to those that the US and Europe have experienced.

Millions of people left Wuhan during the initial outbreak but before the lockdowns. There should have been a huge number of cases around the country if the virus was as contagious in China as it has been in the US and Europe. The only logical explanation is that most of country already had immunity.

My opinion is that the CIA has either been complicit in a Chinese bioweapon attack, or it has been grossly incompetent. Either way I see no reason to continue to fund the agency.


Competence is sus bro.

Most hospitalized New Yorkers got COVID at home:

The disease should have ripped through the cities of China. Masks are not the explanation.