Are cracks developing in the China-CIA alliance?

[quote=“, post:63, topic:239228, full:true”]
Most hospitalized New Yorkers got COVID at home:

The disease should have ripped through the cities of China. Masks are not the explanation.

The fact it’s droplet based is why masks work. Why they work for the flu too, as any resident of a Southeast Asian country will tell you.

Aersolized doesn’t mean airborne. It means a fine spray, like when you sneeze. And it’s a fluid with blood serum in it-seropositive-so it can carry the virus.

You got this whole thing ass backwards. If it was airborne cloth masks would be useless, not the other way around.

They didn’t. You know they didn’t. It’s a talking point. The likelihood of outside spread is low. You also know that.

Everybody and their mother is berating the cdc for trying to say otherwise.

Masks stop droplets.

and guess where the biker rally was… outside.

the likelihood is low if you’re not in a large yelling crowd. you knew that.

I think crack is appearing in republican conspiracy pipes.

I think that is what happened basically. I think it was developed as a bio weapon, but accidentally released. Then the internal shutdown & quarantine, but allowing for months flights out of the area to all over the world because they didn’t want to be the only ones effected.

Israel cares about her citizens. The CCP does not care about hers. Accidental breach of the Wuhan biolab followed by a “Don’t let a good crisis go to waste” response by the CCP is the most likely scenario IMO.

■■■■■■■■■ people in china are not evil, there leadership cares as much as ours does.

Sorry have to call BS on that one. :roll_eyes:

lol… as much as the current leadership does anyway.

Did you also call BS on the presidential election :rofl:

Hilarious. Never mind the concentration camps eh?

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Those particular Muslims don’t count. They don’t bomb Israel.

The wokies have been wrong with nearly everything they have said about Covid. How it’s spread, the effectiveness of vaccines (they claimed vaccinated people were still dangerous) and how it originated. They are finally catching up to what Trump said over a year ago. Idiots.

Ah so you must be saying Isreal is evil? :rofl:

So I guess you want to stop all aid to evil Isreal :rofl:

You have me mistaken for a Jew-hating leftist.

Then why are you saying china is evil? You are contradicting yourself :rofl:

Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it evil.

No, I’m sending delusional people into a mental spiral. :thinking: