Applying Critical Race Theory

I mean between “freewheeling” and “police state”.

The neighborhoods with better access to public transportation and city services are more freewheeling.

Police State neighborhoods are the one’s outside of that zone.

It is also dependent on decade. My neighborhood was pretty decrepit 25 years ago when I moved there. Butted up against one of the most polluted waterways in the country. Now they are building luxury condos along it.

Does that have to do with laws and order? What changed?

You are right Progressive Democrats are vague about how their ideas will produce real progress.

Your perspective makes them “facts”?

Everyone knows that MLK was a Marxist.

First up. A book about the life of Martin Luther King.

It’s about CRT. I guarantee it.


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Glad you asked. Kimberly Crenshaw legendarily came up with the name by combining “Critical Theory” (Frankfurt School) with “Racial” from “Racial Justice”.

Convent Convention, 1989.

It’s a neo-Marxist conspiracy theory. A cult.

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I was thinking about Herbert this morning.

It’s still amazing to me how easy it is to dupe the gullible. There are so many people just blindly following the blueprint without ever looking at the architects.

Of course there are some, including here, who know exactly who the architects and what the intent is. They are simply gaslighting.

It’s fascinating.

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The compliant by Moms for Liberty weirdos is that it shows a “slanted obsession with historical mistakes”

What ■■■■■■■ morons.

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No CRT curriculum. Just a theory.

Curriculum is the expectations for what will be taught and what students will do in a program of study. It includes teacher-made materials, textbooks, and national and state standards.”

You might want to do some research.

There are no specifics in your statement. CRT is a specific.

That’s the trouble. No it is not. It’s nebulous garbage.

“He (Rufo) described his strategy to oppose critical race theory as using the term to “put all of the various cultural insanities under that brand category” and "to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think 'critical race theory.”

You first.

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Exactly what I thought…:rofl:

CRT is a specific nebulous garbage. The left has a quiver full of nebulous garbage.

Rufo himself said it all.

No it isn’t. You know better.

Right wing culture warrior got elected to find and root out CRT and the Transing of kids from the school curriculum.

After poring over the entire curriculum she was relieved to find that the fear that she ran on was baseless.

When she reported her findings… her former supporters turned on her.

She now realizes that she was part of a strategy to weaken support for public schools for the promotion of vouchers to private entities.

Culture wars are everything

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