Applying Critical Race Theory

I dunno … 50+ years of progressive Democrat management perhaps?

Seems like we have been over this earlier in this thread … :thinking:

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What would have Republicans done differently?

You were a teenager or adult during Jim Crow…

Exactly. Which is why I know it is not in effect today and hasn’t been for 50+ years. i.e. ancient history.

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I have no idea, but because they were not in charge, I know they are not to blame.

Nothing. There is nothing different to be done.

So even with hindsight there are no good answers.

And you weren’t born until well after it was over. It’s not your story.

Not now… but we can certainly look back on past wrongs.

Nothing. There is nothing to be done. Cities have always been that way.

Well, except for don’t do what you have done in the past.

Which is what?

Being progressive.

This is a very good question.

Nice a vague with no clear policy

Just how I like it.

@Jezcoe could it be that the nature of city living requires an extreme amount of laws and order and compliance to make it work?

I don’t know how to say what I want to say.

And maybe because of the smaller space, cultures collide more often and with greater force.

In some senses yes, but there is also the issue of over policing the populous.

A city like NYC can swing from a pretty freewheeling place to being in a police state dependent on which neighborhood you are in.

Isn’t it necessary?

And which neighborhood tends to do better?

It is dependent on geography and decade really.

Access to services and transportation makes for wealthier neighborhoods. Poor access makes for worse outcomes.