Applying Critical Race Theory

Where did I say there was a problem?

You singled it out as a specific benefit when it really isn’t

Other universities get government funding along with HCBU’s.

Compared to white universities? Peanuts.

So white people still benefited off legislation specifically for black people?

Of course it is. Earmarked and they don’t compete.

My Alma Mater is swimming in Federal funding and the first black person admitted there was there at the same time my father was.

He couldn’t live on campus or even eat on campus. He had to live with a black family a mile away even though he was in the cadet corps.

Funded with Pell grants and research funding… just like all other schools.

Prove it. Should have voted for Trump if you wanted more.

Minority with minority.

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Might want to do a little research.

Not talking about now… talking about historically.

Ok, why?

Why what? Please don’t tell me you are asking why black universities historically got less funding than white ones.

Say it isn’t so

Why are you talking about “historically”?

And while we’re on the subject of “why”, why do you keep trying to compare 10% of the population to 75%?

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I’m not. 10% should have always received, at least, proportional funding… not 75% of the funding.

What? You are:

You do it constantly.

Why should 75% fund any for the 10%?

10% of what should have received funding “in proportion” to what?

What’s the proportion now?

I am not the one trying to shoehorn century old party platforms into today’s ideological paradigm. Both of them are so far from today’s left, no valid comparison is possible. Like is it on the left or the right to want to increase tariffs when tariffs were how the government was funded?

Nah, you guys just want to label them conservatives to try and wash the stink of slavery off of the Democratic party.

Pee ew

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But the problem with inner cities began more than 50 years ago …

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Levittown was a unique situation. It is not applicable to the situation in most large cities that are suffering from urban blight of their cores.

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1964 Ancient history with regard to race issues.

But accusation of racism often is.

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Okay… then why are there inner city problems?