Anyone who identifies as white on an application is stupid

What percentage of the black nation are female or effeminate males?

No, you’ve answered once. BIPOC includes Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans and Black people.

Cisco is 4.1% black

I answered twice.

How many applied at Cisco? What’s the per capita multiplier in that field of endeavor?


Adobe is 2.8%
3m is 4.3%

You claimed black was an advantage… not BIPOC. Are you moving goalposts?


You still have to apply.


being an advantage doesnt mean whatever institution will have larger percentage of black employees, or students, etc

that’s just your assumption.

What does the “B” stand for?

I’m trying to be charitable, you’re on the last nerve.

that’s just your assumption.


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this stat is meaningless without more context.

What’s pctge of blacks who applied?

what positions?

You’re creating a narrative based on a single stat. this is what “news” does

i stand well corrected

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Correct and no job application has a “BIPOC” check box.

If they ask… they break it down by individual race.

The DEI reports aren’t showing who applied. It is showing their current workforce makeup.

Who knows… data unavailable.

Oh but conservatives can state that being black is an “advantage” when applying to jobs with zero supporting data?

Can’t get in if you don’t apply

Oh come on now! We going to pretend we don’t know the code? The “African names” and such.

You have the dAta.

So that 33% you referenced earlier… was that for the B, the I or….?

That black is an advantage when applying for jobs? No the ■■■■ I don’t :rofl:

You have the dAta you demanded.